Why is it cool to be a mum?


Picture by Lenka

Before I became mum I heard lot of opinions about motherhood and some were good and some were bad. Well, the true story is that nobody can explain or prepare you for motherhood and plus all babies are different. However, most of us experience the same – lack of sleep, less freedom, emotions and there is all the attention on the baby. OK, however if it was that bad people would not have kids at all so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I cannot say much yet as Liam is 1 month today and there is so much more to come however I have noticed huge baby boom so why is it so cool to be a mum?

Look at the huge baby boom. When I was pregnant three Victoria’s Secret models got pregnant at a similar time. These super successful women decided to have kids and that is already cool itself. From rocking down one of the major catwalks straight to baby duties. And they manage to look fantastic. I was probably not at their level but I did try my best (hehe).

Now, look at all the trends in music. Fergie and her latest MILF song and the video full of super hot mums. It is about celebrating how cool motherhood can be and it does not mean that your life is finished. The video to this song is so good that I badly want to be in it. At least Liam’s pram had an appearance in it and that made me proud of my choice (haha).

And we also have the new Bridget Jones movie which is about guess what? Babies…LOL

I am also surrounded by lot of friends with kids and they manage to make everything easy and still manage to have a great life. Well, yes with a bit of help but there is no need to slip in to a lazy route and end your life at home on the sofa.

And mainly giving birth and looking after a child is a hard job. Everybody deserves a medal for this.

So let’s celebrate motherhood, stay stylish, happy and mainly be cool!

Nez jsem se stala maminkou, tak jsem slysela na materstvi spousty nazoru. Mame tu ty matky matek, ktere by na materstvi nedaly dopustit a pak zase druhy tabor zen karieristek, ktere maji sice dite, ale nechteji prijit jak o svuj predesly zivot tak ani kariery. Jak ci tak vetsina z nas proziva to same – nedostatek spanku, strach, emoce a take fakt, ze vse se toci kolem miminka. Ale kdyby to bylo tak strasne, tak jak je mozne, ze lide maji deti a maji jich nekolik? Ja asi nemam az tak co mluvit, protoze Liam ma dneska teprve mesic, ale prece musi existovat vysvetleni. Podle me je byt mamou zkratka cool?

Podivejme se na ten obrovsky baby boom. Jenom behem meho tehotenstvi byly tehotne tri Victoria Secret modelky, otehotnela i Blake Lively a spousty dalsich celebrit. Z predvadecich mol hned k materskym povinostem. A co je na tom jeste lepsi, ze zvladnout vypadat uzasne jak behem tehotenstvi, tak i po. Ja jsem se snazila zuby nehty a i kdyz jsem asi nevypadala stejne (LOL) tak jsem se alespon citila dobre. 

A perfektnim prikladem je novy hit od Fergie MILF, kde shromazdila ruzne celebrity, ktere vypadaji neskutecne a jsou to vsechno maminky. I svet hudby uz se nesoustredi pouze na mlade bezdetne modelky. Byt mamou je proste cool. A dokonce se v klipu objevil i Liamuv kocar coz mi udelalo radost. No asi jsem vybrala zkratka dobre. 

A taky tu mame posledni film Bridget Jones, ktery je jak jinak nez o tehotenstvi a detech. LOL 

Uz jenom fakt, ze zena dokaze dite porodit a starat se o nej je cool a kazda si zaslouzi velkou medajli.

A proto se snazme i jako mamy zustat stylove, krasne, stastne a hlavne cool. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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