Party season is about to hit and that means not only lot of glasses of bubbles but also cute dresses, jumpsuits and lot of fun styling. December is one of my favourite parts of the year just because we can be more out there with fashion. We can wear sequins, leather, velvet and put on those super feminine heavy fragrances and bold lips. We can go bigger than ever and that is what I love. It is the time of the year that is calling for few new additions as it is perfect time to dress up. Whether you are just keen to look fab on Christmas Day or enjoy endless nights with your girlfriends in a local bar.
I am loving so much stuff from Retrofete, Magda Butrym and Attico however I have included also some fab affordable highstreet options.
Nejvetsi party sezona je pred nama a to znamena nejen spoustu sklenicek sampana, ale take uzasna moda plna flitru, sametu a vyraznych sperku. Prosinec mam rada uz jenom pro to velke spolecenske vyziti, vecirky, ale hlavne v mode si to clovek opravdu uzije. At uz mate chut na dobre padnouci cerny overal ci dlouhe flitrove saty, clovek ma konecne moznost se poradne vyblaznit. Nekdo se rad oblece slavnostne k Vanocnimu stolu a jiny zase na drink s prateli. Tak ci tak prinasim vam vyber krasnych party kousku, tak snad si najdete ten svuj.
Jeden z mych favoritu jsou urcite znacky jako Retrofete, Attico a Magda Butrym, ale zaradila jsem i cenove mnohem dostupnejsi kousky.