I have always been a lover of seasonal changes and with that comes my passion for transitional fashion. I truly enjoy wearing summer pieces with more warmer items like blazers, jackets or knits. I adore wearing bare legs and boots and let’s face it there are not that many days in UK for this sort of fashion. When the colder weather hits as much as I adore it I always opt for comfort and warmth. I will wear tights and will not be ashamed. LOL
And this look is a great example of what I love to wear. The dress evokes summer and endless days on the beach whilst the rest keeps me warm and totally transform typical summer dress. Together with classic accessories like Chanel bag and YSL sunglasses . And just like that I am ready to face sunny autumn days in London.
Vzdy jsem mela rada cas, kdy nastupuje dalsi rocni obdobi a s nim prichazi i fantasticke modni kombinace. Miluju kdyz muzu nosit letni saty s necim teplejsim jako sacka, bundicky ci pleteniny. Nejvic si uzivam doby, kdy nosim kozacky a hole nohy. A abych byla uprimna, tak techto dnu kdy je to mozne v UK moc nemame. Jakmile uhodi chladnejsi pocasi, vytahuju puncochy.
A tento outfit je presne tim, co mam na mysli. Klasicke bile saty, ktere dobre poslouzily na plazi a v letnich dnech se hned promeni ve vice podzimni. Staci pridat sacko a kozacky. Spolu s klasickymi doplnky jako YSL bryle a Chanel kabelkou tvori skvely look. Myslim, ze jsem pripravena na proslunene dny v Londyne. Kdyz se zadari LOL.