I do not know how about you but I am dreading a little bit the return to normality. I know it will not be fully as it was before for a while. Or the question is more if it will be ever the same as before? Is it going to be one of those things that will create before and after pandemic?
Anyway, I simply got used to so many things that resonate with comfort. Whether it is spending lot of time in the comfort of home, the comfort of deliveries, the comfort of online shopping, the comfort of online workout classes and really everything that has been huge part of our lives in the last year. Comfort is my second name and I realised how easy it is to get used to it. I am not rushing anywhere all the time. PR events are organised over zoom and although I miss social contact I quickly got used to it. For any event I can just put on cute top and keep on comfortable trousers and the travel is from sofa to my laptop on the table which takes just seconds.
Do I miss going out and seeing friends? Yes big time but also it feels like I forgot how to dress up and my body feels great in tracksuits and leggings. This tracksuit is the newest addition and it is from Femme Luxe. I have it in a different colour but this creamy one is perfect for spring. The cut is perfect, it has that oversized feel and I am over the moon with the fabric. It looks great after several washes too.
Do not get me wrong I am lusting to go on holiday and go to Czech to see my family but at the same time it feels almost not natural in my head. I start to feel dressed up in anything that does not scream comfort and although I do create content for social media I often catch myself in the baggiest trousers and top. I am excited for social life but at the same time I am seriously worried that I simply got lazy.
Comfort just became huge part of our lives. I mean who is missing the ugly side of everyday life. I bet not many of you miss the packed tube or crowds of people waiting to get served in a tiny sandwich shop. Well, let’s just hope we manage to find a lovely balance when we slowly go back to things as we know them before.
Ja nevim jak vy, ale trosku se bojim navratu do reality. Obecne si teda myslim, ze normalita jako takova nenastane ihned. Vse uz bude jine, otazkou je jestli na porad ci na jak dlouhou dobu? Ja pevne doufam, ze bude zase normalni si zajit do kina ci do narvaneho klubu ci proste jenom na Vanocni msi do kostela bez omezeni, rezervaci, gelu ci masek. Jenom jsem si za ten roz zvykla na pohodli. At uz je to pohodlne obleceni, donaska do domu, nakupy jenom online, zoom eventy a vsechno je to zkratka o pohodli vaseho zivota a domova. Usetri to spoustu casu, spoustu planovani a cestovani a dokonce i cviceni je jenom z domu. Nedavno jsem byla fotit s fotografkou a uprimne me to celkove strasne vysalo. Ze by si moje odvyklo na ten muj shon pred pandemii?
Dalsi vec je oblekani. Nejak jsem si zvykla na vice pohodlne outfity, nic komplikovaneho a hlavne na teplakovky. I kdyz mam spoustu krasneho obleceni, casto se pristihnu, ze saham opet po leginech ci teplacich. Tohle je muj novy prirustek a mam ji v tmavsi barve. Byla jsem moc spokojena s materialem a s tim jak vypada a sedi, ze jsem si poridila dalsi barvu.
Samozrejme snim o cestovani, o tom jit ven na veceri s prateli bez rousek a omezeni, o plazi a ceste na Moravu. Snim o tom, ze pujdu do kina, divadla a do galerie. Je toho tolik. Zaroven mi predstava krasnych satu a nejake poradne akce prijde jako vzdalena predstava. Na pohodli si clovek zvykne velmi rychle. Prestoze tvorim obsah a oblekam se na tvorbu, foceni ci videa, tak se v beznem zivote velmi casto pristihnu ve vytahanych dzinech a XL tricku.
Pohodli se zkratka stalo soucasti naseho zivota. A ve spouste vecech to ma sve vyhody. Myslim, ze spouste z nas nechybi narvane metro v dopravni spicce, kdy vam dychaji dalsi tri lidi na zada. Snad se nam podari najit prijemny balanc az se pomalu budeme vracet k beznemu zivotu jako pred pandemii.