Photos by Margita
As much as I hate crowds I am glad I went to see at least a bit from Notting Hill Carnival. The weather was glorious and the atmosphere was great as well. The tube experience not as much. Imagine thousands of people trying to get to one spot in London already cheering with whistles and making lot of noise.
Anyway this is what I was wearing and it was a perfect choice for that weather. Not too hot and not cold at all. I will post most pictures during the week from the actual carnival.
Have a wonderful week.
Nesnasim davy, ale jsem rada, ze jsem se odhodlala jit omrknout Notting Hill Karneval. Pocasi bylo nadherne a atmosfera jeste lepsi. Mozna ta cesta metrem byla velmi opacnym zazitkem, ale to se dalo ocekavat. Tisice lidi se snazilo dostat na jedno misto ve meste, Notting Hill a samozrejme metrem, protoze spousta ulic byla uzavrena. Uz po ceste vsichni jasali, piskali a slavili, coz ucinilo cestu tam jeste zajimavejsi.
Tohle jsem si v pondeli na karneval oblekla a myslim, ze to byla dobra volba. Pocasi bylo krasne, ale nebylo zadne vedro, proste tak akorat. V tydnu vam ukazu vice fotografii primo z karnevalu. Nektere kostymy staly za to.
Preji vam krasny a uspesny tyden.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: River Island Skirt, New Look Top, Missoni Sunglasses, Balenciaga Top, Diesel Shoes
To se mi moc líbí a ty boty bych brala všemi deseti:)
Diky Niko..od tebe to tesi
Též jsme tam byli :) Každopádně uklízecí čety měli o práci postaráno :)
jsem rada, ze nejsem v te uklizeci cete :)