My sick red baby

Dear bloggers,

My poor Sony Vaio got a virus and I cannot use it so will not be publishing for a while. Do you remember Carrie in SATC when her Apple crashed? I will wrap my baby in cashmeer pashima and will bring it to have it repaired.

In the meantime I will be taking pictures of my outfits, so stay tunes in next couple of days.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Muj milovany Sony Vaio dostal virus a je nemocny, nemuzu na net a to znamena, ze nebudu chvilku publikovat. Pamatujete jak v SATC Carrie zabalila svuj Apple do pasminy a odnesla na opravu, to udelam i ja:)

Mezitim se necham fotit, at vam neunikne zadny outfit. To uz jsem ucinila dneska rano, chystame se s kolegy vecer do me oblibene Kenzy a tak mame zase povoleny volnejsi, ale stale elegantni outfit.

Preji krasny vikend.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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