You know those cravings for food? And then there is another type of cravings for nice shiny things, diamonds, bags, shoes and all the stuff that looks amazing but we do not need. Now few of my friends have got some amazing jewellery which they were all the time and I have been thinking how much I want proper diamond earrings and necklace and wear it all the time. It is like that necklace is part of them. I have one which I got from my parents but I am telling you the size and the clarity is nowhere of what I have in mind. I love few things on Vashi and I would love if any of these would land in my jewellery box. And I also love these classic earrings and these are so timeless as well. I always realise that if you invest in a piece like that you wear it non stop.
And then I have the usual lust like a coat I already have but I want different colour (how spoilt). I have been going on about Valentino shoes and Chloe Drew bag for months now and I cannot forget more denim. I am seriously obsessed now with anything denim so would be nice to get a dress like this.
And what is on your wish list these days?
Znate chute na jidlo? A pak existuji jeste jine chute a to na nakupy nepotrebnych avsak krasnych veci jako kabelky, diamantove nausnice, kvalitni boty a tak. To ja mam porad. Vetsina mych kamaradek ma uzasny diamantovy nahrdelnik, ktery nosi neustale. Ja jeden taky mam, ale je hrozne malicky a tak porad pokukuju po necem, co budu opravdu nosit. Libi se mi treba tento a tento a hlavne i tyto nausnice. Po tolika letech jsem si uvedomila, ze clovek do veci, ktere stoji vice investuje hodne, ale zato je opravdu nosi porad. Jsou nadcasove a hodi se ke vsemu. Samozrejme, ze tady me nakupni chute nekonci (jsem nepoucitelna co?)
Pamatujete si ten bily kabat z Parize, tak ten jsem si zamilovala tolik, ze ho chci v jine barve a libi se mi hodne tento horcicovy odstin. A o botach Valentino a kabelce Chloe mluvim uz mesice, tak snad se k tomu brzo odhodlam.
A co je na vasem seznamu? Doufam, ze jste mene narocni! LOL
Love Glamazon xoxo
I love those shoes! That jacket is pretty fab too! Xo
Botky od Valentina a kabelka Chloe jsou top!
Já momentálně toužím po balerínkách Melissa ve spolupráci s Karlem Lagerfeldem. :)
Diamant by se mi líbil taky na krk nebo jako náušnice, zatím ho mám na prstýncích. ;)