Rock chick touch

Dear bloggers,

I met my friend yesterday for lunch and when I got home I found out about Amy. Another extremely talented person to end up like this. Let’s hope that her niece will prove everyone wrong and will use her talent in the best possible way.

Have a great day.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Vcera jsem sla s kamaradkou na obed na oblibeny Fattoush salat a Falafel a hned jak jsem prisla domu jsem narazila na zpravy o umrti Amy Winehouse. Dalsi velmi talentovana osoba, ktera takto zkoncila. Doufejme, ze alespon jeji neter vsem ukaze a vyuzije svuj talent tim nejlepsim zpusobem.

Preji krasny den.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Wearing: Atmosphere Tshirt and skirt, Oasis leather jacket, Francesco Biasia bag, Jewellery from Lisbon and Barcelona, Karen Millen shades, DP shoes, Ring Asos

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