Wildfox and Religion

Tyhle saty jsem v Religion tak tisickrat vzala a polozila…to je moje klasicke jednani v obchode :)

Dear bloggers,

This summer I am more thinking to wear cool tops and dresses rather than romantic looks. I have no idea why is that. Perhaps its the English weather or just one of those times when you feel you just want to do it. I really like these two quirky brands. Wildfox where you can find crazy prints and Tshirts and Tops with a bit of twist. And also Religion that has got shop on my street. I love their loose and interesting cuts and delicate materials. Everything I bought there always needs extra care and hand washing. Well, not the easiest but you do not want to destroy your clothes, do you?

What do you think about their clothes? Would you pick something there to update your looks and wardrobes?

Love Glamazon xoxo

Tohle leto mam porad chut nosit spise cool tricka a saty a nejak me nebere romanticky vzhled (i kdyz u me nevite, ted to napisu a v sobotu budu vila). No jednoduse nechapu, cim to je, mozna pocasi v Londyne, mozna proste jedno z tech obdobi. Proste mam porad chut kupovat tricka ke svym kozenym sortkam a denimkam. Prijde mi, ze Wildfox a Religion ma presne takove napadite strihy a potisky. Wildfox me fascinuje svymi potisky a najdete i trochu barev a Religion svymi strihy a opravdu delikatnimi latkami. Maji obchod v me ulici a vetsina veci, ktere jsem si u nich kdy koupila se musi prat rucne. No co by clovek pro peknou vec neudelal? A co si myslite vy? Urcite to neni styl kazdeho a ani ja bych se nemohla oblikat jenom z techto dvou znacek? Myslite, ze byste brali par kousku na osvezeni satniku?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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