January is all about sales and I start to feel that is one of the very few positive things about this month. So why not to cheer yourself up with some new designer items that is so much cheaper or get even your highstreet favourites for nothing.
Leden nabizi ty nejlepsi slevy v roce. Zimni slevy podle me vzdy nabizi lepsi akce nez ty letni. A protoze je leden takovy ponurny mesic tak proc si neudelat necim radost. At uz je to drazsi kabelka ci jenom kabat, ktery se vam libil na Asosu.
Vybrala jsem par kousku, ktere jsou momentalne k dostani.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Very cool picks! The bag and the coat are my favs :)
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
International Time-Related Giveaway: Bad News and More
Great products!! So cute!