Anex Air Z Review

I wanted to wait few months before I share my experience with this great compact stroller Anex Air Z. I started to use it for Nessa as soon as she hit 6 months because for certain things I prefer lighter and easily foldable strollers.

We have had so far an amazing experience using this model. It went on a trip with us to Czech Republic and Spain and I also have it folded in the boot of my car and use it in London. What I love about it is that you can fold it just with one move and it is light.

When I travel around London and I know I need station that does not have step free exit I also take this stroller as I know I can carry it easily up the stair myself. We all have different lifestyles and expectations of what the stroller should do and this is perfect for us. Despite the size it has got smaller shopping basket where you fit enough things like smaller changing bag or smaller shopping.

I find it also easy to manoeuvre the stroller and you can adjust the position for baby to sit up or comfortably sleep in it. Nessa has been sleeping in this stroller a lot on our holidays in the summer. You can pretty much use this since birth as it fully lies down and also you can build the stroller that the baby faces you which I find amazing. I prefer full cot until baby is 6 months so that is why I started with this model later. However, it is my personal preference. If you travel this sort of stroller is much more practical.

It really worked for us on the beach, in the countryside as well as in the big city and we love using .

Anex Air Z jsem chtela pouzivat par mesicu nez jsme se rozhodla sepsat mensi recenzi. Stejne jako u Liamka jsem chtela dva kocarky, protoze na urcite veci potrebuji kocarek robustnejsi a pohodlnejsi a na cesty mam radsi kocarky, ktere jsou skladnejsi a lehci.

Tento nam velmi vyhovuje i v Londyne, kdyz napriklad vim, ze pojedu metrem a na urcite stanici neni vytah. Je dostatecne lehky a vynesu ho sama do schodu. Libi se mi na me, ze se da slozit jednim tahem a ze muzete menit polohu, dite se tak muze prospat ve vetsim pohodli.

Kocarek se jednoduse ovlada, je velmi kompaktni a pohodlny. Prestoze je mensi ma dole i mensi nakupni kosik, ktery sice nejvetsi, ale vleze se mi do nej prebalovaci taska ci mensi nakup.

Opravdu jsem spokojena a je vyborny na cesty. Vyhovoval nam jak na plazi tak na venkove i ve velkomeste jako Londyn.

Myslim, ze nam nadale bude dobre slouzit.


This is not a sponsored post however includes gifted items.

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