Wearing: Chanel Bag and Earrings, Christian Louboutin Shoes, Zara Maxi
I just got back from a long weekend at the Irish coast. Yes another trip and another wedding. I was not sure what to wear until the last minute and saw this dress in Zara nd fell in love with the colours and the whole lose and relaxed cut.
I also realised there how much time I spend on blogging and social media connected to my blog as it was hard not to have a wifi 24/7. I have now full mailbox to go through. Well, at least I know how I will be spending my evenings after work over the next few days.
Prave jsem se vratila z prodlouzeneho vikendu v Irsku, kde jsem byla na dalsi svatbe. Do posledni chvile jsem nevedela co na sebe, protoze Irsko teplym pocasim obvzlastne necisi. A minuly tyden jsem sla do Zary omrknout novou kolekci a zaujaly me barvy na techto satech. A myslim, ze se na Irske pobrezi nesmirne hodily. Kombinace ruzove a vinove se mi moc libila a myslim, ze i strih byl do tohoto prostredi idealni.
Bohuzel jsem si take o vikendu uvedomila jak jsem zavisla na wifi, protoze je potrebuji k blogovani neustale potrebuju. A take se mi nakupila emailova schranka emaily a pozvankama. Alespon vim jak budu travit nadchazejici vecery.
Love Glamazon xoxo
opravdu nádherné ! :)
Dekuju x
You look gorgeous, Eva! I am loving the dress. Also, how nice is the wind there! ;) lots of love from here. :)
The Flea Marcat
Thank u so much
Gorgeous dress!
Thank u darling x
Nadhera, fakt kicka!