Category Archives: Food and Drinks

5 things to do in London this weekend

Easter weekend is almost here and I am sure there are plenty of you that did not plan any trips. So what to do in London this weekend? You may want to just stay home and eat but how about trying any of these?

1. Vintage shopping – You can always try the usual spots on Brick Lane or in Notting Hill. However, if you head over to Pop Brixton on Saturday you will find several stalls selling vintage items including clothes. Nothing can beat the treasure hunt for the next perfect piece for your house or wardrobe.

2. Slightly different brunch – Are you bored of Eggs Benedict? You should try fantastic brunch at Clutch Chicken in East London. Dozy Drake or Wishbone Waffles anybody?

3. Afternoon Tea at places with fun deco – It is Easter so why wouldn’t you treat yourself to a bit of luxury? I can recommend Sketch or Ham Yard hotel. You can get great food and enjoy interiors that are just fun and different.

4. National Trust Easter Egg Hunts – Are you up for a bit of fun? Why not to participate in any of the national trust egg hunts? You can find out more information here.

5. Vogue 100: A Century of Style – As this is mainly a fashion blog I cannot forget to add one fashion related activity. Have you already seen this exhibition in National Portrait Gallery? No?! Then get yourself there this weekend for a bit of fashion inspiration and art!

Well, whatever you chose to do I hope you will have an amazing weekend full of fun and relaxation.

Velikoncni vikend se blizi a mozna si spoustu z vas nenaplanovala jeste nic na vikend. O svatcich se spousta Londynanu vydava nekam na vylet ci dovolenou, ale pro ty co zustavaji doma mam par tipu jak si 4 dny volna v Londyne trochu zprijemnit. Co takhle vyzkouset neco z techto peti tipu?

  1. Vintage nakupy – Muzete bud navstivit proflaknuta mista jako Brick Lane nebo Notting Hill. Ale pokud v sobotu zamirite do Pop Brixton tak muzete zkusit jejich mini vintage trznici, kde bude asi 20 stanku. Nikdy nevite, co tam ulovite.
  2. Brunch trosku jinak – Uz vas nebavi klasicke vajicka Benedict? Co takhle vyzkouset brunch v Clutch Chicken ve vychodnim Londyne? Opravdu nebudute litovat.
  3. Odpoledni caj v trosku jinem prostredi – Ja typicke caje miluju, ale co tak vyzkouset mista se zajimavym interierem. Uzijete si to o to vice. Muzu doporucit restauraci Sketch nebo Ham Yard Hotel.
  4. Hledani Velikonocnich vajicek – Firma Cadbury a National trust porada hledani Velikonocnich vajicek. Mate chut si vyzkouset tradicni honbu za pokladem v podobe vajicek? Vic informaci najdete tady.
  5. Vogue 100: A Century of Style – To by ani nebyl poradny fashion blog, kdybych nedala tip alespon na jednu akci spojenou s modou. Uz jste videli vystavu v Narodni galerii Vogue 100? Co takhle si zprijemnit prodlouzeny vikend a nacerpat trochu inspirace?

At uz podniknete cokoli, tak vam preju prijemny vikend plny zabavy a radosti. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Tip of the week – El Carnicero Milano


My friend Monika pulled all the stops when planning our social life when I was in Milan. Not only we managed to have a lovely breakfast in Pandenus and an amazing brunch at Four Seasons she also got a table in this Argentinian restaurant – El Carnicero. When we arrived around 8 pm the restaurant was already buzzing. All the locals enjoying their huge meat platters, wine and cocktails.

We ordered some delicious cocktails to start with and waited for our table at the bar. The place really had a great atmosphere and gorgeous decor. I knew straight away what I was heaving. I just cannot deny myself a good steak when you know they serve the best meat in Milan. And I was glad I did it. It was definitely one of the best steaks I have ever tried. We ordered some chips and vegetables on the side. And I felt like in seventh heaven if there is such a place. LOL

So thumbs up to Monika for this great choice. Although I felt like my body just cannot eat anymore we decided to share one of the desserts which was their day special. And I can say one thing – mouthwatering. I have cravings again just by looking at it.

If you are ever in Milan and you like good quality meat and good service you should try this gem. Just make sure you book in advance as they get really busy.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Behem Milanskeho fashion weeku moje kamaradka Monika nam pripravila nabity program, abych si to s ni krome mody poradne uzila. Nejenom ze jsem posnidala v utulne kavarne Pandenus a dala si vytecny brunch ve Four Seasons. Monice s podarilo prekvapive ziskat stul na vecer ve vytecne Argentinske restauraci El Carnicero.

Kdyz jsme dorazily, tak uz bylo v restauraci narvano. Nas vecer zacal nejakym tim koktejlem a ja si uzivala atmosferu. Jde videt, ze misto je to popularni, u dveri a baru bylo chvilema velmi tesno. Nastesti po usazeni uz to bylo lepsi a ja se kochala i jejich dekorem. Uz od zacatku jsem vedela, ze si dam poradny steak. To by ani jinak neslo, kdyz vite, ze udajne serviruji to nejlepsi maso v Milane. A opravdu jsem nelitovala. Byl to asi jeden z nejlepsich steaku, ktere jsem zkusila. A vybraly jsme par priloh, jako hranolky, ktere byly krajene spise jako chipsy. A taky nejake salaty.

Sice jsem mela pocit, ze uz do sebe nedam ani sousto, ale rozhodly jsme se si dat napul jejich desert, ktery byl v nabidce dne. Jeste ted se mi sbihaji sliny. Ani se nemuzu na tu fotku divat. 

Pokud se do Milana chystate a mate radi napriklad dobry steak, zebra a podobne masove dobroty, urcite si zkuste rezervovat stul. Jidlo bylo opravdu vytecne.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Tip of the week: Pandenus Milano

Every time we are back from any trip we are left with memories and pictures. Whether that is a good place you visited, something you saw or delicious food. I had a great few days in Milan and I spent lot of time with my friend Monika who lives there. She introduced me to some great places where I definitely return on my next visit. This cute little spot is called Pandenus and there are few of them in the city and I think if you like nice brunch, something sweet or just to chill with a cup of coffee it is a must place to try.

I am an early bird and one morning I swayed Monika to go and have a lovely breakfast together before all my shows and meetings. She took me to this wonderful place with lovely chilled atmosphere and incredibly looking cakes and sandwiches. I was a bit disappointed that typical brunch is served much later (well not everybody is crazy like me and knocking on the door at 9 am) however the sandwich, fresh juice and the cake put me in better mood right away. This is exactly how I like to start my day during fashion month (and I wish I could start like this every day). It puts you in a great mood, you satisfy your taste buds and you treat yourself. And if you start a day positive the whole day will bring you just joy and happiness. Although the weather was terrible … if you have cute places like this nothing matters.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Pokazde kdyz se vratime z cest tak nam zustanou vzpominky a fotografie na pamatku. Je jedno jestli si privezete zajimave zazitky ci vzpominky na dobrou restauraci. Ja jsem se rozhodla sve Milanske dobrodruzstvi z fashion weeku zacit s jidlem. I kdyz jsem byla navstivit mesto za ucelem prehlidek a mody, tak jsem chtela zacit tyden trosku netradicne. A navic jsem dlouho o zadnem miste nepsala. Hodne casu jsem travila s kamaradkou Monikou, ktera v Milane zije a vzala me na nekolik skvelych mist. Jednim z nich je restaurace/kavarna Pandenus. V Milane je jich nekolik a at uz chcete jenom dobrou kavu, brunch ci neco na zub urcite se sem zastavte. 

Ja jsem ranni ptace a rada si davam velkou snidani a tak jsem vytahla brzo rano Moniku ven na snidani. Byla jsem trosku zklamana, ze si nemuzu dat klasicky brunch, ale misto toho jsem si ukojila chute vybornym sandwichem, cerstvym zeleninovym dzusem a timto neskonale dobre vypadajicim zakuskem. A nelitovala jsem. Kavarna takto po rano mela prijemnou a klidnou atmosferu a velky vyber zakusku a sandwichu a take dobrou kavu. Neni nic lepsiho nez zacit den takto prijemne. Jenom skoda toho neustaleho deste. Myslela jsem, ze utecu z Londyna od oskliveho pocasi a bohuzel na me cekalo jeste horsi. Jeste ze existuji utulna mista jako tohle, kam se clovek muze schovat.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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L’Oiseau Blanc

It would not be a proper girly weekend in Paris without a good dinner, champagne and super chic setting. On Friday we put on our highest heels, curled our locks and headed to an amazing restaurant L’Oiseau Blanc.  

Situated at the rooftop of The Peninsula hotel we knew we were going to get top class views. And a spot like this deserves a good outfit right? I put on my favourite Temperley dress and Christina opted for sparkles and sky high heels. And dressed like this I already had a feeling that we were going to have the best time.

The menu changes all the time so we knew we were going to be surprised with the latest dishes on offer. I went for scallops (the mushroom sauce with it was everything), lamb as a main and same dessert as Christina. And that dessert could not be any “sweeter”. The wings were definitely my favourite part! The chef Sidney Redel deserves lot of praise.

The theme of the restaurant really goes all the way. Whether you are looking at your plate or around and even in the bathroom. This is what I call clever design.

We had a truly great time and the staff was so professional. It was hard to leave when you can sip delicious red wine, chat and look at the Eiffel tower. However, all the things come to an end so we left with satisfied taste buds and still so much to talk about.

And I cannot forget the live proposal we saw in the restaurant. The good news is she said Yes.

Thank you Paris and L’Oiseau Blanc for a fantastic evening. 

To by nebyla ani poradna damska jizda, kdybychom si v Parizi nezasli na dobrou veceri a sampanske a samozrejme s vyhledem na Eifelovku. V patek vecer jsem se vydala s kamaradkou do L’Oiseau Blanc. A takove misto vyzaduje i spravy outfit. Ja jsem si dala starsi, ale velmi oblibene saty Temperley a Christina se rozhodla pro trpytive saty a vysokanske podpatky (nechapu jak to ta holka dela v nich chodit).

Menu jez restaurace nabizi se neustale meni, takze vyber jidla byl do poslednich chvile prekvapeni. Vetsinou se podivam na menu online nez jdu do restaurace, ale tady to zkratka nejde. O to mam ale vetsi zazitek, bavi me sezonni menu a je u nich jistejsi, ze jidla jsou pripraveny s cerstvych potravin. Vybrala jsem si musle jako predkrm a jehneci jako hlavni chod. A desert jsem mela stejny jako Christina. Strasne rada bych vam rekla nazev, ale byl hrozne dlouhy a opravdu si to nepamatuju. Vypada ale vyborne, nemyslite? 

A nelepsi bylo, ze jsem videla zadost o roku v primem prenosu. Myslim, ze mladik si nemohl vybrat lepsi misto a navic rekla Ano. Krasny vecer v Parizi jak ma byt! 

Love Glamazon xoxo
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