Category Archives: Mummy to be

Outfit: Gucci Blooms Supreme Bag

Wearing: Bag: Gucci, Shoes: New Balance, Top and Leggings: Tchibo, Blazer: H&M, Sunglasses Dior

My dress down Fridays at work start to be very dressed down the more my bump is growing. Although I have a few pairs of great maternity jeans I now feel the best wearing leggings and simple tops. That requires to dress this simple combo up. And what better way to do it than with great bag, shoes and sunnies?

I have a new addition to my handbag collection (glad it was my birthday recently). This Gucci Bloom Supreme bag was the winner in the end. I did not have anything that fun in my bag collection so I think it is a great and bold choice which will take boring outfits to a different level. However, Gucci anything takes us to a different level. I could shop there for hours and who wouldn’t?

I also went for bright version of New Balance sneakers to bring even more colour to this outfit. I have had these for a while and not sure if you can still get the same model however there are number of New Balance sneakers on sale here. And I am sure you can find your dream pair whether it is a bright or simple version.

V patek se do prace oblekam pohodlne a i kdyz mam par skvelych materskych dzinu, tak prece jenom davam prednost leginum. S rostouci briskem uz nevim jak pohodlne sedet cely den u stolu a dziny tomu opravdu nepomahaji. A idealni je, kdyz muzu nosit leginy s jednoduchym trickem. Ale myslim, ze by to byla porad nuda a tak mi pomahaji k oziveni prave spravne doplnky jako kabelky, boty a bryle.

Gucci Bloom Supreme kabelka je muj novy kousek (diky nedavnym narozeninam). A jsem rada, ze jsem se rozhodla prave pro tuhle. Nemam ve sve sbirce nic podobneho a je to opravdu vyrazny kousek, ktery je zaroven velmi zabavny. Gucci je proste znacka teto doby a jejich comeback stoji za to. Nejradsi bych vykoupila vsechno. A neni se cemu divit. 

A abych pridala tomuto jednoduchemu stylingu jeste vice zabavy a barev, tak jsem si po dlouhe dobe dala tyhle zelene New Balance tenisky. Mam uz je delsi dobu, takze si nejsem jista, zda je mozne sehnat steny model. Kazdopoadne spousta modelu tenisek New Balance je ve sleve tady. Myslim, ze si kazdy prijde na sve a jeste s velkou slevou. Kdo by nebyl rad, ze? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Black Maternity Corporate Look

Wearing: Dress: River Island, Shoes: Dune, Bag: Chanel, Blazer: Miss Selfridge, Sunglasses: Celine, Necklace: Phase Eights

They say you can’t go wrong with black and they are right. I always opt for black when I feel big or lazy to think what to wear. Well, these days I guess I have been feeling big a lot. LOL And no surprise the baby is growing and so is the bump. You can clearly tell I am now in my 8th month of pregnancy as my cravings increased so much. I think I am currently going through the biggest cravings period so far. And it is very hard to control.

Last week I was wearing lot of black to the office. I guess during pregnancy it gets a bit a tricky when it comes to corporate wear. However, black jersey dresses are one option. This one is not maternity dress and as always I just got bigger size (as most of my clothes). If you stock up on few of dresses like this they are comfortable, easy to wear and you can then just change your blazers, shoes and bags. And the corporate maternity wardrobe is sorted.

Rika se, ze cernou se nic nepokazi a myslim, ze je to pravda. Ja si oblekam cernou, kdyz mam “tluste” dny anebo kdyz jsem lina premyslet, co na sebe. A opravdu nelzu, ale ted mam tluste dny porad. LOL Neni se cemu divit, miminko v osmem mesici roste a mam ted silene chute. Rekla bych, ze zatim nejvetsi z celeho tehotenstvi. Jde videt, ze se blizim pomalu k cili.

Kazdopadne jsem minuly tyden do prace chodila hlavne v cerne barve. V dobe tehotenstvi je trochu narocnejsi se oblekat do prace, pokud pracujete v kancelarskem prostredi, ale prave takove jednoduche saty, ktere se jednoduse adaptuji na telo jsou idealni. Muzete je nosit se saky, ktere uz mate ve skrini a menit doplnky. Kdyz si poridite par podobnych satu v ruznych barvach a budete kombinovat s kousky, ktere uz mate…tak mate pracovni tehotensky satnik vyresen.

Love Glamazon xoxo


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My pregnancy so far

I have been sharing bits and pieces about my pregnancy with you however I think it is just about a time for a next post as I am currently 8 months pregnant. One of the most popular articles so far was this one. And as it has been a while it is time to share a bit more with you.

I feel every day I am being asked questions like…are you excited, how are you feeling, how long will you be on maternity and so on. And the answer is I do not know. I always thought that once I am pregnant I will be one of those super pregnant women running almost until birth and drinking healthy juices. And the reality was different so I decided not to plan when it comes to maternity at all and just go with the flow. Why would I plan if I know every woman has got different pregnancy and we just have to wait and see. It is not such a long time ago when I was still naive and thought I can go to few shows during fashion week this September. However after few people literally laughed at my I took those rose tinted glasses off and jumped right back to reality. LOL

Second trimester was really good. The only thing I had pretty much was being tired all the time. But that could be caused just by my lifestyle. Not much has changed. I still work 5 days a week and run this blog. I leave house at 6:40 and do not return before 7 pm. That one thing I had to take easy is the amount blog related events after work. I used to pop to meetings over lunch or after work sometimes even 4 times a week. Now, I have to be very selective. There is no way I can run around with that bump and extra weight and work with the same level of productivity.

So far I gained 9 kg and still so many weeks to go (scary right) and it really becomes more challenging to dress, to travel on London public transport and keep the activity levels up. And did I mention I feel I look terrible in everything? LOL I am sure lot of women out there do understand me.

I am really trying to relax over the weekends but it is not easy it sounds. I am still committed to do all blog collaborations to a good standard, see my friends and run the household. I am not going to lie…I am very behind with baby stuff preparations and really should prioritise this over the next weeks. Well, time to get serious right?

Zatim jsem s vami sdilela par pocitu a informaci o prubehu tehotenstvi, ale jelikoz jsem momentalne v osmem mesici, tak jsem si rekla, ze je mozna na case napsat dalsi clanek. Zatim asi nejpopularenjsi post byl tento. A to uz je nejakou chvili, co jsem tomuto venovany clanek vydala.

Kazdy den mi lide kolem polozi hodne otazek typu jak se citim, jak dlouho budu na materske, jestli se vratim do prace, zda se nemuzu dockat apod. A ja vlastne nevim. Myslim, ze materstvi a veci ohledne materstvi se nedaji planovat. Kazda zena ma uplne jiny prubeh. Pro me byl zatim nejhorsi prvni trimestr, kdy me opravdu hormony rozhodily tak, ze jsem nebyla schopna niceho a k tomu nevolnosti a silene zimni pocasi. Ja jsem si totiz vzdy planovala v te svoji hlavne, ze az budu jednou tehotna budu ta super zdrava a skvele vypadajici zena, ktera beha skoro az do porodu a vypada u toho jakoby prave vystoupila z modniho casopisu. No a vidite vubec tomu tak neni. Tak jsem se rozhodla radsi si nic neplanovat. To vite, ze jsem jeste nedavno sedela na ruzovem oblacku a rikala si, ze stihnu navstivit v zari na Londynskem fashion weeku alespon dve prehlidky, ale to se mi vetsina lidi pekne vysmala, takze radsi uz nerikam vubec nic. LOL 

Musim rict, ze druhy trimestr byl ale vyborny. Sice se od zacatku citim unavena, ale to je mozna i pracovnim vytizenim. Prakticky se na mem zivotnim stylu az tak moc nezmenilo. Rano vychazim do prace asi v 6:40 a vracim se nejdrive v 7. Drive sem sice mela treba tri nekdy i  ctyri akce po praci, ale ted si peclive vybiram kam pujdu a davam hodne na sve pocity. Kdyz opravdu citim, ze si potrebuji lehnout, tak jdu radsi domu. Ono s tim velkym brichem uz to neni zadna slava. A navic mam uz 9 kilo nahore a tahat takova kila navic, kdyz si vlastne v tydnu behem dne ani neodpocinu je pro telo uz samo o sobe velka zatez. A jsem z toho cela takova nesva. Ve vsem si prijdu priserna (to urcite byvale i soucasne tehulky chapou) a svou chuzi bych uz nazvala spise valenim. 

Vikendy se snazim travit odpocinkem, ale i to se mi nedari, protoze je tady blog a pracovni zavazky ohledne blogu a take chystani veci pro miminko. V tom jsem opravdu pozadu a asi bych mela pritlacit na pilu. A navic se nechci uz ted osizovat o spolecnost pratel, protoze myslim, ze po porodu to bude chvili trvat se vratit do starych koleji. 

Myslim, ze ted je na case se venovat pripravam a ujistit si, ze je vse nachystano na prichod prcka. Co myslite? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Outfit: Duster coats

Wearing: Shirt: Zara, Jeans: Mayarya, Coat: Asos, Sneakers: Adidas, Bag: Valentino, Sunglasses: Dior

You may remember my article about the maternity uniform I really like. And part of this styling are duster coats and different sleeveless coats like this. I had several duster coats from few years ago and they are becoming very hand especially now in this typical London “summer weather”. They are light, make any look more chic and they hide what you want to hide (well not the bump obviously … they are not that magical LOL) .

I feel I have been saying this all the time but dressing is so challenging now. It is harder as the bump grows and the options are there but I just feel I look weird in everything. LOL

I am sure all mummies and future mummies will understand. And now when the summer sales started it is even harder as I walk in to a shop and I cannot wear most of it or at least not yet. Few more weeks to go though guys.

Mozna si pamatujete na jeden muj starsi clanek venovany typicke materske uniforme, kterou mam moc rada. Soucasti tento uniformy jsou prave plaste a plaste bez rukavu jako treba tento. Ja jich mam nekolik uz z drivejska a jsou idealni na to nase Londynske leto. Jsou lehke, vypadaji sik a zakryji co je treba (no az tak zazracne nejsou, protoze na velke tehotenske brisko nestaci haha).

Mam pocit, ze to pisu po kazde, ale oblekani je ted opravdu fuska. Ve vsem si prijdu silena, ale to snad maminky a budouci maminky pochopi. A ted kdyz jeste zacinaji vyprodeje tak mi to drasa srdce, protoze vetsinu stejne zatim nemuzu nosit. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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