Chanel love

Dear bloggers,

I am not a big fan to read about the same topic on each blog. Couple of days ago all about H&M and Versace, now Dior and his bad collection as nobody can be Galliano maestro…anyway….when I saw this collection Karl put together why not to mention its amazing. I do love it, I feel a bit of mystery and gothic stories while looking at it. It still elegant but with a twist. Its amazing how he can put together some materials, I was happy to see sequins, tweed and satin in one collection.

Would be interesting to see how impressed were you by the laste Chanel Couture?

Love Glamazon xoxo

Nejsem fanousek psani o tom samem tematu, ktere se objevi v jednom tydnu na dalsich blozich asi milionkrat. Nedavno to bylo H&M a Versace kolaborace, ted kolekce Diora (je pravda, ze kolekce je nesouroda, oskliva a proste Galliana asi nikdo nepredci)…no zkratka normalne takove posty nechci presentovat (proc kdyz si je clovek muze precist jinde)…ale nemohla jsem odolat okomentovat alespon trosku, co dal dohromay Karl pro Chanel. Jsem unesena, kdyz se na tu kolekci koukam, vyvola ve me pocity zahady a gotiky (jsem velka milovnice Gotickych romanu….ale ne architektury…jak zvlastni). Libi se mi jak je elegantni, ale ne nudne elegantni. Je proste uzasne jak dokaze Karl dat do jedne kolekce smesici materialu jako jsou flitry, tweed a saten.


Zajimalo by me, jak to vidite vy?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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