Outfit: Cold shoulders


Wearing: Top: Glamorous via Asos, Bag: Celine, Shoes and Jeans: Zara, Sunglasses: Rayban

Cold shoulders and off the shoulders tops have been huge this summer and I wore them during pregnancy and do not plan to stop now. The weather still lets me to wear summery pieces and I am glad as I feel that when you are pregnant summer fashion is just not the same.

Having said that I am super excited about upcoming trends this autumn and strolls around the town and lovely parks full of colours. Now with the baby I think that will be one of my daily routines. Fashion and small things like what colour I should paint my nails are even bigger passion of mine. It helps me to escape from daily motherhood routines.

Blogging is still my big priority and I will do my best to keep bringing good quality content. It just requires even more planning. I hope I will not disappoint you. I hope you like coming here and if so feel free to nominate Glamazon Blog (Best Fashion Influencer) here for the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards. Thank you in advance.

Topy, ktere odhaluji ramena byly zkratka hitem leta a nosila jsem je i v tehotenstvi. A take neplanuju s tim skoncit ani ted. Pocasi nam zatim preje a jsem rada, ze jeste ponosim letni veci, protoze mi prijde, ze leto s velkym brichem proste mode moc nedoprava. Kdyz uz ma clovek pred porodem, tak to proste neni ono.

I kdyz na druhou stranu s blizicim se podzimem se tesim i na podzimni trendy. Miluju prochazky parky, ktere maji zbarvene listi a tak nejak podzimni modu vubec. Pokazde se mi zmeni nalada a okamzite menim drobnosti jako treba vyber odstinu laku na nehty. Ted s miminkem po techto vecech touzim snad jeste vice, protoze me nejak odpoutavaji od denni rutiny, ktera se toci behem materskych povinosti.

Blogovani je stale jedna z mych velkych priorit a budu se snazit vydavat co nejvice postu a snazit se co nejvice. Je to o tom si vse poradne zorganizovat a naucit se to i s malym prckem. Snad se sem budete nadale radi vracet. Pokud se vam tady libi, budu rada, kdyz me tady podporite v nominacich na Cosmopolitan Bloggers Awards. Moc vam predem dekuji za vas podporu.

Love Glamazon xoxo


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