Dear bloggers,
If you plan a stroll around a town and you just want to see Christmas light, its good to keep yourself warm, practical and wearing flat shoes.
I guess that is why I look how I look on these pictures.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Kdyz planujete prochazku mestem a jdete vychutnavat Vanocni atmosferu, je dobre se obleci teple, prakticky a dat si boty pez podpatku.
Asi proto vypadam tak jak vypadam :)
Preji krasny vecer.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: Zara Leggings, New Look shirt, River Island belt, Oasis coat, boots from Milan, Francesco Biasia bag
Totally agree with you :)
Love the shirt. I like your plan.
ten nahrdelnik!!!!
Presne tu, ak chceš môžeme sa stretnúť:)