It has been a while since I have shared some amazing beauty products and since we finished month of February I wanted to introduce some products I have fallen in love with last month. The first product is the Elemis cleansing balm which is the best cleansing balm I have ever tried. My best friend talked about it so much but sometimes when you are surrounded by other amazing products it is hard to prioritise what to test first. And man it is fantastic. The smell is so relaxing and leaves the skin so clean but hydrated.

You know I have been using 111 Skin products for few years now but they are really getting better and better. Their products are top luxury and they work which is what we all want. This brightening mask and new product Illuminating eye mask will give your skin glow and prepare your skin like nothing else. No wonder that top designers were using their products to prep models’ skin before major fashion shows this season.

During the month of February I also felt I had more blemishes than usual so I included Dr Barbara Sturm Clarifying Serum in my skincare routine and what a product. This gem not only helps to battle blemishes but also sings of ageing. To be fair I am in love with all the products I have tried from the brand including their supplements.

And the last but not least product I have to mention is Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight by Skinceuticals. I was so curious to try their products and do not regret at all. This amazing product in particular quickly became my favourite and the reviews do not lie. My skin glows, blemishes go away and I feel great.

Je to uz delsi dobu, co jsem sdilela nejake kosmeticke produkty, ale prave nam skoncil mesic Unor a tak jsem se rozhodla predstavit par novych produktu, ktere jsem si zamilovala. Prvnim je Elemis cleansing balm a muzu rict, ze je to ten nejlepsi cleanser, ktery jsem kdy zkusila. Moje nejlepsi kamaradka ho vzdy chvalila do nebe, ale nekdy je tezke si udelat priority, kdyz toho mate na vyzkouseni tolik. Je to opravdu top produkt od vune az po to jak vase pokozka vypada a take jak krasne hydratuje. Nedivim se, ze je to jejich bestseller.

Pokud sledujete muj Instagram (evglamazon) tak asi vite, ze kosmetiku 111 Skin pouzivam jiz par let. A nemuzu to popsat jinak nez jako totalni luxus. Jejich novy produkt, kterym je maska pod oci je proste ztelesneni luxusu stejne tak jako jejich Brightening mask. Neni divu, ze svetovy navrhari pouzivali jejich pletove masky pred prehlidkama na letosnich tydnech mody. Masky a nejen ty od teto znacky jsou opravdu fantasticke.

Jedna vec, ktera me trosku trapila co se tyce me pleti minuly mesic jsou urcite nesnasene pupinky. Na vinne bude asi hormonalni nevyvazenost, ale produkt Clarifying Serum od Dr Barbara Sturm byl fantastickym pomocnikem. Je vyborny jak na akne tak na starnouci plet a uprimne vsechny produkty, ktere jsem od teto znacky vyzkousela jsou fantasticke.

A v neposledni rade musim zminit i Glycolic 10 Overnight Renew of znacky Skinceuticals. Pouzivam jej asi dvakrat tydne a recenze opravdu nelhaly. Je to uzasny produkt a pokozka krasne zari, pupinky mizi a to bez ztraty hydratace. Jsem nadsena.


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