Dear readers,
Believe it or not this is my sister. We took few pictures on Thursday before we went to the airport. And yes we do look different and we have the same parents :DDD
Does not she look glamorous wearing that fur collar?
I am as always wearing lot of black as I find it the best for travelling, it goes with anything and it does not get dirty as much:)
What do you usually pack for shorter stays?
Verte tomu nebo ne, ale tohle je moje sestra. Udelaly jsme par fotek ve ctvrtek nez me vezla na letiste a par taky na letisti. Jo a nez se zeptate, zda mame stejne rodice, tak ano (nebo nam to alespon tvrdi :DDD)
No nevypada glamorous v tom kozesinovem limci?
Ja tradicne v cerne barve, to nosim v Cesku nejvic, protoze je prakticka na baleni a snadno se kombinuje. Balim se vzdy zpusobem, co nejmene veci co se dobre kombinuji :)
A jak se balite na kratsi pobyty vy?
PS: Na me facebookove strance prodavam nove kozene bundy znacky Swagga and soul a Muubaa, takze se urcite podivejte. Jedna se o bundy jejich porizovaci cena je vetsinou v rozmezi 12 az 18 tisic korun a poridit je muzete za mnohem mene)
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: Zara skirt, Oasis leather jacket and boots, Uniqlo top, Balenciaga bag, New Yorker fur (just stole it from my mum’s closet), Valentino sunglasses and New Look necklace
Cambridge bag giveaway on
parádní fotky:) máš skvělý outfit! ten náhrdelník mě naprosto okouzlil:) ♥
Hi! I’ve found your blog by chicismo and I like yor looks:) What do you think about following each other?:)
You and your sister have such different looks! For shorter travels I tend to pack longer, simple dresses (black, grey, white) which I can dress up at night or dress down for the day.
I love your fierce necklace here.