Giveaway DVF sunglasses

Dear Readers,
You have a chance to own these cool DVF sunglasses.
This shape is becoming more and more popular and can create amazing look. Well I definitely love the girl on the picture.
The rules are following:
1. Be or Become follower of my blog (you can follow me on google plus or bloglovin)
2. Be or Become fan on My Facebook page.
3. Leave a comment what you like or even do not like about this blog with your email address.
4. Share link with this giveaway on your facebook or your blog and leave the link with you share in comments here so I can see it.
I will pick winner randomly 1st May 2012.
Good luck.
  Jedna giveaway je u konce a druha zacina. Pokud jste fanousky popularniho stylu kulatych slunecni bryli, tak mate sanci vyhrat tyhle skvele od DVF (Diane von Furstenberg).
Pravidla jsou nasledujici:
1. Byt nebo se stat pravidelnym ctenarem meho blogu (bud na google plus, bloglovin, google friends)
2. Byt nebo se stat na fanouskem me facebookove stranky.
3. Zanechat komentar s adresou (rada uvitam komentare s tim co se vam libi na blog a co je treba vylepsit)
4. Dat link na tuhle giveaway na blog nebo facebookovou stranku a pridat sem link s timto odkazem, at jej muzu videt.

Vitez bude jako tradicne vybran pomoci nahodneho vyberu pocitacem :)

Preji hodne stesti.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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