I am back and I am back with a new design. I am still looking around and it needs last finishing touches. I am sure you are getting used to it as well.
These are pictures from the last weekend that was so warm and sunny and I popped in to check the horse guard parade in London. It was full of tourist as always but still had its charm. I am finally wearing that gorgeous crochet dress I got recently and it was just perfect for a day like this.
I just hope you like the new design and you will keep coming more and more.
Jsem zpatky a v novem a to doslovne. Nova domena a novy design, par veci budu postupne doladovat, ale snad to pujde rychle a vy si zvyknete v novem prostredi.
Tyhle fotografie jsou z posledniho vikendu, bylo prekrasne a ja jsem nakoukla na Horse Guard Parade, kde jsem se nechala rychle nafotit v tech novych hackovanych satech, ktere si snad pamatujete. Bylo na ne idealni pocasi a nemuzu si je vynachvalit.
Snad se vam novy design libi a budete se sem radi vracet.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: H&M Dress, Sam Edelman Sandals, Louis Vuitton Bag, Nike Sunglasses, Necklace Bechick.com
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