Dear bloggers,
Its amazing evening outside, imagine walking from City of London to trendy Shoreditch when its really warm. So many stylish people and I met at least 6 girls wearing different colour tights with sandals. Different type of sandals, even flats !!!!!!!!!!!. I still have not tried this but why not in the near future.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Venku je krasne a predstavte si prochazku s prace ze City of London do trendy Schoreditch, kdyz je venku tak teplo. Tolik styovych lidi a dneska jsem nacerpala opravu hodne inspirace, podivne je, ze jsem potkala alespon 6 divek v puncochach ruznych barev a k nim sandaly. Ruzne typy sandalu, dokonce nizke!!!!!!!!!!. Tuhle kombinaci jsem jeste nezkusila, ale mozna do toho jdu brzo.
Love Glamazon xoxo