Ivana Mentlova again

Dear bloggers,

I already wrote about this amazing designer. I cannot stopping sneaking to her facebook pictures, she is so beautiful herself and makes stunning designs. I keep thinking, why is not anyone this talented already on the top of the ladder?
I decided to posted some of her designs that appeared in a press. I love her ability to create sexy, evergreen models, I love how she plays with fur and also textures and cuts.
And the biggest plus she is such a nice and down to earth person.

Just enjoy this beauty and dream:) That is what her clothes do to me:)

O Ivane uz jsem na blogu psala. Ale mam ji rada vic a vic, nemuzu odolat brouzdani jejima fotkama na facebooku. Sama je prekrasne stvoreni a tvori jeste krasnejsi navrhy. Nemuzu prestat myslet na to, jak je mozne, ze neni na samem modnim vrcholu.

Vybrala jsem par fotografii (s jejim svolenim samozrejme) a vetsina z nich se objevily nekde v tisku. Zboznuju jeji schopnost produkovat sexy, nadcasove modely a taky se mi hrozne libi jak dokaze pracovat z kozesinou (ted me napadlo, ze by mohla vytvorit Glamazon limec…haha), ruznymi texturami a strihy.

A jeji nejvetsi plus je fakt, ze je hrozne mila a prijde mi, ze stoji nohama na zemi.

Takze si uzijte tuhle krasu a oddejte se sneni. To je totiz, co se stane me, kdyz vidim jeji modely.

Preji krasny den.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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