Dear bloggers,
Last weekend:
1. I went for lunch with my gorgeous friend Andra
2. Started to think a lot about my new coat
3. Threw out so many things out of my closet
4. And created this super quick and simple outfit that makes me think…really?
Love Glamazon xoxo
Minuly vikend:
1. Jsem sla na obed s moji nadhernou kamaradkou Androu
2. Dostala jsem si do hlavy brouka jmenem cerny kabat z Oasis
3. Vyhodila strasne moc veci ze sveho satniku
4. Vytvorila ve spechu tento nudny a jednoduchy outfit a kdyz se na nej podivam, tak me napadne….je to vubec mozne tohle?
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: H&M trousers and hat, New Look boots, Oasis leather jacket, GAP snood, Francesco Biasia bag, Asos top
ten vintage shop ci co to je, chci tam!