London Shopping Guide – Brick Lane

Dear bloggers,
This is first part of my detail shopping guide and today I will present my favourite shops around Brick Lane. Of course there are many more shops and stalls including All Saints, Barbour, Benefit, lot of amazing fur or vintage stalls, independent designers but here are few I can recommend or I always stop by. My guide starts at Liverpool street tube station where in a nearby Starbucks you can start with a quick breakfast and coffee. Let’s get ready and go:
A je to tady prvni cast meho nakupovaciho pruvodce Londynem. Dneska vam predstavim sve oblibene obchody v oblasti Brick Lane. Samozrejme je jich tam mnohem vice nez ty, ktere uvidite na fotografiich, ale nemohu prezentovat kazdy obchod. Na Brick Lane najdete obchody jako All Saints, Barbour, Benefit, a v sobotu, kdyz je otevreny i trh na Spithafields take spoustu stanku, kde si muzete poridit vse od kozesin az po rucne delane sperky.
Pruvodce zacnu Starbucksem kousek od stanice metra Liverpool street, kde si muzete dat kavu a snidani a nabrat energii na nakupni poledne. Tak se pripravte, zaciname:
8-10 Brushfield Street, London E1 6AN
So here is your starting point and you can start to look around Spithafields market
Tak tady zaciname a odsud si muzete projit cely Spithafields trh

As you leave Starbucks just follow the little boutiques with anything you can think of makeup stores like Benefit, Flower shops, furniture, clothes and that will lead you to the market hall
Po kaficku se muzete odebrat na trh a v teto zastresene ulicce vse zacina, najdete zde male butiky, kde si muzete zakoupit napriklad kvetiny, kosmetiku Benefit a mnohem mnohem vice

61-63 Brushfield Street
My first stop: Traffic People
Prvni zastavka: Traffic People
Pokud se chcete dozvedet o znacce vice, urcite nevahejte navstivit jejich stranky. Nejvice me vzdy zaujmou jejich saty, nektere kolekce jsou vice a jine mene vydarene.
Blondie, Unit 2, 114-118 Commercial Street
I would say one of my favourite vintage and designer vintage boutique in London. I saw Clemence Poesy shopping here as well so it must be good.
Jeden z nejlepsich vintage a hlavne designer vintage butiku v Londyne. Potkala jsem zde nakupovat i herecke Clemence Poesy, takze asi svedci o kvalite a sortimentu. 
Absolute Vintage, 15 Hanbury St, City of London
This is much cheaper version of vintage pieces but you can find some real treasures here as well. Harder to find but still amazing place to go to.
Tohle je mnohem levnejsi vintage obchod, trosku hrabarna, ale clovek zde muze najit neskutence poklady.  

Public Beware, Shop 7, 91 Brick Lane
If you want to see what style you can find in Public Beware, feel free to visit their website. I always find here something I like.
Pokud se chcete podivat na sortiment Public Beware, urcite se podivejte na jejich stranky, ja zde vzdy neco zajimaveho objevim. Nabizi cenove dostupne a zajimave kousky, ktere pak alespon nema uplne kazdy.
Religion, 154 Brick Lane, London E1 6RU
Religion reminds me All Saints a bit. Unusual cuts and delicate materials but just a little bit cheaper.
Religion mi stylem pripomina trosku All Saints, jenom trosku levnejsi. Opet jsem pridala odkaz na jejich webove stranky.

Rockit, 101 Brick Lane, London E1 6SE
This is one of the most famous London based vintage shops and they have website as well. They also do recycled clothes and bags but you can find amazing pieces here.
Rockit je jeden z nejproflaklejsich vintage obchodu v Londyne. Najdete zde take recyklovane a presivane veci, kabelky a jine. Urcite se sem bezte podivat a neodejte s prazdnou, i kdyby to mel byt jenom satek ci prstynek. Ja jsem byla uchvacena maxi psanicky z prave kuze ve vsech moznych barvach za pouhych 25 liber. Ty same prodava napriklad American Apparel za 60-80 liber. Koupila jsem si prekrasne cervene a urcite si jich poridim vice. 

The Laden Showroom, 103 Brick Lane, City of London
I love this place, several little corners with independent designers clothes. Anyone can find their own style.
Tohle je uplny raj, spoustu malych koutku, kde nezavisli navrhari prodavaji sve obleceni, opravdu si tu asi kazdy prijde na sve.
The Box Park, just next to Shoreditch Highstreet tube station
This is new and very interesting project. I have not visited any of the shops but may as well in future.
Tohle je docela novy projekt. Jeste jsem to tam poradne neomrkla, ale cely areal je poskladanych z malych plechovych obchudku, ktere jsou ocislovany, staci si najit vasi oblibenou znacku a nakupovat.
As I said at the very start, there are so many places to go but these are the once I always go to. So happy shopping experience and hopefully this is useful for people visiting London and want to shop like mad :)
Jak jsem jiz zminovala na zacatku, tohle je jenom muj oblibeny vyber, ale mist k nakupovani je tu nespocetne. Snad pro vsechny navstevniky Londyna bude tento post alespon trochu uzitecny.
Priste se muzete tesit na pruvodce ctvrti Shoreditch.

Have a wonderful day.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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