Look of the day at LFW

My dearest readers,
I come to London Fashion Weekend every year and this was definitely the best so far. The weather was amazing, the style was even better and I felt a bit of like celebrity when all the street style photographers started to take pictures at the same time when I walked in to Somerset House square. Well it does not happen to me every day I must say :DDD
I could not stop taking pictures of people myself and there will be few posts coming up. So stay tuned. 
PS: This was the first time I wore those Miu Miu boots and they are actually comfortable…
Love Glamazon xoxo
Tuhle akci navstevuji kazdy rok, ale tentokrat si troufam rict, ze to byl nejlepsi London Fashion Weekend na kterem jsem byla. Mozna to bylo pocasim, ale takova davka stylu jako tentokrat tomu hodne napomohla. A taky jsem se na chvili citila jako prava celebrita, kdyz jsem hned po vstupu na nadvori Somerset House byla obklopena fotografy street stylu. Moje kamaradka se tomu strasne smala…no abych pravdu rekla, nestava se mi to kazdy den :DDD

Ja jsem sama nemohla prestat fotit vsechny kolem a mam velkou naloz fotek, takze se teste na nadchazejici posty.
PS: A konecne jsem vyuzila tyhle Miu Miu boty a jsou prekvapive docela pohodlne…

Preji krasny den.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Wearing: Oasis Coat, Rokit Maxi clutch, Miu Miu boots, Zara shirt and leather trousers, YSL ring, Valentino sunglasses

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