Photos by Margita
Everywhere is wish something. I mean you have the popular wishbone necklaces and I got this new necklace by Marc Jacobs that is a wish book for a change. I secretly hope they actually work. It is nice to believe in something and it can be sometimes good escape from the reality.
No matter if it works or not I am fond of this necklace. It is gold and cute and it does even open. I wore it with leather pants and stripey blazer to a brunch with my friend this morning and it was very easy combination.
So if you do not have you wish necklace yet do not hesitate to get one.
Se symbolickymi motivy a privesky se rozthrl pytel. Proslula wishbone nebo treba tento Marc Jacobs privesek me hodne bavi. Tohle je konkretne wish book, ktera se da i otevrit. V skrytu duse doufam, ze funguje. Je to prijemny pocit doufat, ze se vam splni vase prani a takovy unik od reality.
I kdyby zadne kouzlo nemely, urcite vypadaji dobre. Ja jsem si svuj novy privesek dala dneska s kozenymi kalhoty a pruhovanym sakem na brunch s kamaradkou a byla jsem spokojena. Velmi rychla kombinace a sazka na jistotu.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: Zara Trousers and Blazer, Balenciaga Bag, Chanel Shoes, Marc Jacobs Necklace, H&M Top, Missoni Sunglasses
Hrozně se mi líbí, jinak outfit je úžasný :)
dekuji Lucy
Krasna! X
Krasny outfit!