My sweet fashion lovers,
Back to my weekend. As I said I met my friends and used my new camera for the first time. It will be hard to get used it and I decided to keep my old one as well. I picked Canon 5D Mark II and I must say it is very different to my old Canon 500D. Well, lets see how easy I can become friends with Mark :)
I had to take pictures of my friend’s new Isabel Marant waistcoat as it is truly piece of art. I hope that she will get sick of it and I can borrow it to party one day :DDD
What do you think? Do you like the waistcoat as much as I do?
Musim se vratit zpatky k vikendu. Uz jsem zminovala, ze jsem si uzila odpoledne s kamaradkama a taky poprve vyzkousela novy fotak. Puvodne jsem planovala ten stary prodat, ale svuj stary Canon 500D si necham. Moje nova hracka je model Canon 5D Mark II a musim priznat, ze nebude lehke se s Markem spratelit tak lehce, ale snad si na sebe zvykneme.
Mimochodem jsem vam musela vyfotit tuhle uzasnou vestu Isabel Marant, kterou si moje kamaradka minuly tyden koupila. Je to opravdu uzasny kus. Doufam, ze az se ji zacne hnusit (jestli je neco takoveho vubec mozne u takove nadhery), ze mi ji nekdy pujci :DDD
Libi se vam tak jak me?
Preji krasny den.
Love Glamazon xoxo
The photos are gorgeous. Your friend is beautiful. Love her vest.
ach ta poslední fotka ♥
yes! it’s perfect and I can imagine lots of outfits and combinations with it, it’s something like brightly refresh for ordinary look;)=)
Krásné fotky! A ta vesta je opravdu super!
ta vesta je super, ale nejvic me dostavaj ty fotky!asi potrebuju novy fotak:D
fotak je super…jen se s nim naucit fotit
tvoja kamarátka je fakt krásna…taký švédsky typ :)
To ona byla je a bude… A je z Moravy… Holt tam name asi neco ve vzduchu
Pěkné fotky, krásná vesta a bomba zelená kabelka!