New In….more sparkle…

Dear bloggers,

I fell in love with Zara sequin clutch when I saw it for the first time. But I was thinking really to pay that for a seasonal trend and just another ‘cheap’ bag. So I was hoping to find something similar and cheaper but guess what….It did not happen. So I just got the one from Zara. When you really want something just go and get it….

Have a fab week.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Zamilovala jsem se do flitroveho psanicko do Zary hned jak jsem ho poprve uvidela. Ale porad jsem si rikala, opravdu utratis ‘tolik’ za dalsi ‘levnou’ kabelku? A tajne jsem doufala, ze narazim na neco podobneho v nizsi cenove relaci. A nestalo se tak. Takze jsem potupne nakracela do Zary a koupila si tuhle :DDD No kdyz neco chces, tak proste bez a porid si to …. Preji vam uzasny vikend.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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