New In…Victoria Secret Bikini


Hey Darlings,

Well, bikini shopping is one thing and it is quiet straighforward. You do your research online, pick brands you like and then you go and try it on. This year I had my eyes on triangle bikinis. They are hot, simple, different and extremely chic however I honestly do prefer to try them on. So I ended up in Victoria Secret store in London and got these. Well, the colour may be a bit barbie but summer is summer and why not? I also got an extra bikini bottom so I actually ended up with two pairs. Well pitty you cannot just walk into the shop and get an amazing body to go with it.

And how about you and bikini shopping? Do you have many pairs or favourite shops you go to? I would welcome some tips for the next time.

Nakupovani plavek je jedna vec, docela jednoducha zalezitost. Staci udelat mensi pruzkum trhu online, vybrat si znacky, ktere se vam libi a pak si je jit vyzkouset. Tak to delam ja. Letos jsem mela zalusk na bikini triangl, ale opravdu davam prednost zkouseni. I kdyz triangl vypadaji skvele, jsou sexy, jsou jine a velmi velmi sik. Nakonec jsem zkoncila ve Victoria Secret a vybrala si tyhle syte ruzove. Trosku Barbie barva, ale co … je leto tak proc ne. Dokonce jsem si koupila jedny barevne bikini k podprsence, abych je mohla kombinovat a clovek tak ma vlastne plavky dvoje. Dalsi zalezitost je postava…skoda, ze se neda nakracet jenom tak do obchodu a proste si skvelou postavu koupit. To by bylo jedinecne.

A co vy a plavky? Kolik jich mate a kde si je vetsinou kupujete?

Love Glamazon xoxo


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