Wearing: Jumper: New Look, Skirt: Asos, Boots, Dune
Army style to the office? Yes, nothing wrong with a bit of khaki in the corporate environment. I guess army print not as much however if you pick a smart khaki skirt you can transform it to a perfect office style.
It is always about thinking outside of the box and leave the greys, navy and black to others. No harm to experiment a little bit right?
Vojensky styl do kancelare? Ano, nezblaznila jsem se. Nerikam, ze cloveka pusti dovnitr v maskacovem potisku, ale khaki barva je urcite vhodna. Ja jsem si poridila tuhle krasnou zavinovaci sukni a je ted ve sleve. Nemuzu si ji vynachvalit a nosim ji nejen do prace.
Nekdy nemusi byt oblekani do prace az tak tezke, ale chce to trosku experimentu a nechat klasicke sede a namornicke modre kousky obcas doma.
Love Glamazon xoxo
This sweater is simply amazing!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Thank you x
Pěkný a moc!
Dekuju x
Zajímavý outfit, já bych si ho sice asi neoblékla, ale tobě sluší moc :)
HAUTE BASICS urban decay giveaway
Diky x
Tento outfit sa mi velmi paci, fakt sa to podarilo :)
Thanks lovely x