One month bikini challenge

Few years ago if I decided to lose few pounds I would just do it with few days of sensible diet and bit of workout. The older you get the harder it is. Those small things that used to work are just not effective enough.

I asked you few days ago on my snapchat (evaglamazon) if you would be interested to read about my one month eating and fitness plan and lot of you said yes.
As I have a month until my holidays in Sicily I decided to be very good this month and do as much as I can do to get a bikini body. Well, I don’t believe in miracles but I think you can still achieve some results in 4 weeks. However, even if you do not end up looking like a Victoria Secret Angel the sense of the achievement that you managed to do it is great.

This will be harder for English speakers as you will not be able to follow my eating program which is based on a book written in Czech. However, I can tell you it is a 28 days detox of your body and it is all about eating clean. This plan will help you get rid of the acids in your body and also clean your body. The recipes are all picked and created in the way that you are never hungry (which is true I have already done this once) and you can eat a lot. It is more about what you have on a plate. Part of the book is also eating tips for different blood types which is one of the most interesting things. I am a blood type 0 and there are things I love I should not eat but I know I cannot get rid of them. One of them is coffee. I should not drink it at all during this detox but I just have to keep it. (I am drinking one right now…the only thing is that I drink Soya milk instead).

I went through this detox once already and it does work although I had to cheat a bit due to a wedding weekend. Make sure you do not have many social activities or holidays as this requires lot of cooking ahead (I have few this month but other than that I will focus). You must drink lot of water ideally warm water with lemon. I start my morning with a hot water with lemon and then follow up with a Chlorophyll which I add to a glass of water.

If you want to try other books or cooking books on a similar basis I am sure there is a lot in the market. I just cannot say at this point if it works or not. But I can swear on this detox by Antonia Mancingova. My mum lost so much weight and she dropped almost two sizes in three months. She is now at the stage where she eats what she wants at the weekend and eats clean during the week. And plus her hair and skin improved extremely because she is giving her body the right things that are full of nutritions.

I always take pictures before and after in my bikini or underwear and try to do the same. Of course you achieve more if you workout as well. As for me I am quite active person but I want to make I will really focus this month so I want to do something at least 5 days a week. I do running and also  workout at home. This week I have done 3 times old school workout with Cindy Crawford and 15 minutes pilates and I want to do 5 K run this weekend with some strength exercise. There are lot of videos on youtube. It does not cost you anything so it is just about your decision. You have to decide and do it. If you want to take it to the next level get some good anti-cellulite cream and some food supplements.

So you are more then welcome to join me on this bikini challenge and if you feel it is too much why don’t you try perhaps just 30 days squat challenge or something less intense.

So good luck and don’t give up.

Pred par dny jsem se vas na snapchatu ptala, zda mate zajem si precist o me one month bikini challenge a odezva byla pozitivni. Vim, ze za mesic se toho neda moc zachranit, ale myslim, ze mesicni procisteni tela a pohyb telu jenom prospeje. Za mesic me ceka dovolena na Sicilii a tak jsem se rozhodla,ze mesic pred dovolenou si dam ocistu a budu co nejvice cvicit. Kazde rano zacinam sklenici teple vody s citronem a piju Chlorophyll a to me pekne procisti telo a postavi na nohy. Co se tyce jidla, to uz je dalsi otazka.

Tento zazrak uz jsem jednou vyzkousela a opravdu funguje a to jsem musela tento 28 denni detox porusit diky svatbe ve Spanelsku, ale i presto jsem zhubla, upravila si plet, zlepsila vlasy a citila se vyborne. Nevim, zda nekdo vas uz prosel ocistou od Antonie Mancingove, ale je opravdu vyborna a muzu za sebe i za svou maminku rict, ze funguje. Za celou dobu nemate hlad a ani nejake zavratne chute na sladke. Muzete jit do sytosti a cela skladba jidel je zalozena vlastne na bazi clean eating. V jedne casti teto knihy Antonia take rozebira stravu pro ruzne krevni skupiny, coz se ted snazim brat v potaz i kdyz detox nedrzim. 

Samozrejme i tohle stravovani ma svoje nevyhody. Ja nemam vecne cas a tak pripravovani muze byt docela narocne. Dalsi nevyhodou je, ze kvuli tomuto nemuzu odmitnou treba obed s klientem, kde si musim vybrat z menu restaurace, nemuzu tam sedet a pit vodu, ze? Ale pokusim se tento mesic vyhnout vsemu spatnemu, nepit alkohol a dodrzovat detox co nejvice to pujde. Ja treba nesmim pit ani kavu, ale tu si proste nedokazu odpustit a tak jsem alespon zacala pit kavu se sojovym mlekem. Kdyz detox dodrzite, urcite uvidite vysledky. Moje maminka zhubla za 3 mesice temer dve velikosti a vylepsily se vlasy, ktere mela hodne ponicene. Ted uz si vahu udrzuje tim, ze ji clean food v tydnu a o vikendu si da co chce. Doporucuji vam si knihu poradne procist a pak se do detoxu pustit. Kniha obsahuje recepty i jidelnicek. Pripravte se, ze budete jist hodne zeleniny a hodne cervene repy. Ale o tom si muzete precist vy samy.

Samozrejme, ze soucasti me one month bikini challenge je i cviceni. Prestoze mam hodne nabity diar, tak se pokusim se hybat 5 dni v tydnu. Vetsinou chodim behat nebo cvicim doma. Tento tyden jsem zvladla uz trikrat cviceni se Cindy Crawford. To je stare, ale osvedcene. A taky jsem zaradila do treninku 15 minut pilates. Ted o vikendu si pujdu zabehat a pridam treba yogu nebo pilates. Myslim, ze zalezi na vas, co zaradite do sveho fitness programu, ale zkuste treba Cindy nebo Jillian Michaels. Oba workouty mam vyzkousene a opravdu pomahaji. 

Takze kdo se chce pridat ke me muze…ja uz zitra koncim prvni tyden a citim se vyborne. Tesim se na pondeli, kdy jidelnicek zacina byt trochu pestrejsi. 

A pokud se vam tohle zda moc, tak si treba dejte mesicni squat challenge. 

Let’s Do it.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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