Wearing: Coat: Missguided, Bag: Chanel, Dress: River Island, Boots: River Island, Sunglasses: Celine
You know what they say – You can’t go wrong with black! And it is true. You can create some of the hottest outfits in black colour and it will always go with anything. But it is also said that black is safe but can be also boring. Well, whatever is said I still love this colour and will always wear it. Black can be sexy, timeless and so many positives. I am dying over sexy dresses like this and cute Fendi bags.
However, I must say I cannot wait for better weather. Easter break was cold and rainy and I am so keen to wear all the spring trends out there. I am sure you guys had enough of coats, scarves, boots and the other winter pieces. I really think it is time to move on and bring something fresh and new.
Vite co se rika, ze cernou nejde co pokazit. A je to pravda. Cerna je proste cerna a bude vypadat vzdy dobre. Ale na druhou stranu hodne lidi rika, ze se s ni nic nepokazi, ale ani nenadchne. Tak si vyberte co chcete. Ja mam a budu mit cernou rada a at se rika co chce.
Napriklad tyhle saty jsou tak sexy a nebo tahle krasna Fendi tasticka. Cerna je proste dobra.
Kazdopadne je tohle porad zimni outfit a mam jich jeste par. Uprimne se nemuzu dockat jara. Pocasi je tady stale chladne a ja se tak tesim, az budu moci fotit spise jarni veci. Myslim, ze kabatu a kozacek bylo az az. Skoda, ze je zima vzdy tak dlouha. Snad nam pocasi dopreje at to tady muzu trochu osvezit. Myslim, ze nejsem sama, kdo se tesi.
Love Glamazon xoxo
I love an all black outfit and your black boots are so chic!! :) lovely post
Kathy x
Thank you Kathy x
This outfit is minimalistic perfection! You have such a gorgeous, “strong” face lines, it’ so inspiring!
Thanks Natali x
Nothing can go wrong with an all black outfit! You look fab. xx
Thank you so much x
All black is the best :) And the bag is lovely!
Thank you x
Love the outfit! Your hair is so pretty!
Thanks a lot, Stephanie x
You look as chic as ever in all black! I love that you mixed some high pieces with more affordable ones, like your Missguided coat, for instance. Not only that, but that Chanel bag is to die for! I love this!
Thank you lovely x
To já byl kdysi proti černé, outfity s ní mi právě přišly jednoduché a neinspirativní. Dnes je ale mou stálicí a miluju ji! Je vidět, jak se s postupem času styl mění, vyvíjí..
souhlasim x