Pregnancy: 5 lovely things to do when pregnant

Being pregnant is fun for some and less for others. I am sure we are all happy and excited to meet our little ones. However, pregnancy can bring a lot of negative things like small pains, tiredness, nausea and for some even depression. It is important to look after our soul and body more than at any other time. Here are some nice things I love to do to cheer myself up with or just to give myself a little treat.

Pregnancy Massage – some of us suffer from back pain but even if you do not have any issues it is one of the nicest way how to relax. We deserve to be treated and get the best so why not to try to visit pregnancy massage specialist that will make sure you will be in heaven at least for one  hour.

Afternoon Tea – Who would not love good afternoon tea? Good selection of sandwiches and cakes with friends. And if you book somewhere special you will feel like a real princess.

BBQ or Lovely picnic with friends – Nothing beats a good BBQ or a picnic with friends. It is one of the most affordable and fun things to do with friends. And there are endless options for non alcoholic cocktails too.

Pedicure and manicure – Firstly, at some point you will struggle to paint your toe nails as you cannot really bend over your belly and secondly the professional will do it better. Most of the times.

Shopping – Oh how much we love it and even if you feel like you are too big to shop for yourself you can start to buy all the cute outfits for your little one. Problem solved.

Just think about yourself too as there is no need to restrict anything during this team. We are all women that deserve bit of fun and love.

Byt tehotna je pro nektere jednoduche a pro druhe mozna mene. Jsem si jista, ze vetsina maminek se tesi na miminko stejne jako ja. Ale v tehotenstvi take vetsina zen muze zazivat ty mene prijemne bolesti jako ruzne male bolesti, krece, nevolnosti, unavu ci v nekterych pripadech i deprese. A tak si myslim, ze je dulezite se starat jak o dusi tak i telo a to snad jeste vice nez drive. Je na miste si obcas doprat prijemne veci, protoze si je zkratka zaslouzime. A co treba delam? 

Tehotenska Masaz – Ja masaze miluju a specialista na tehotenske masaze vam zaruci, ze se alespon na hodinu budete citit jako v nebi. A pokud vas navic boli v tehotenstvi zada, alespon se vam trochu ulevi. 

Zajit si do kavarny – No v anglictine jsem to nazvala caj o pate. Ale myslim, ze ceska kultura by to spis nazvala posezeni v kavarne nad zakuskem a dobrou kavou. Pokud nechcete miminku davat kofein, tak muzete klidne tu bez kofeinu. A existuji uz i mista, ktere nabizi zdrave ci bezlepkove zakusky. Takze s chuti do toho. 

Grilovani nebo prijemny piknik – Tohle je jeden z nejlepsich a nejlevnejsich zpusobu zabavy s prateli. Ja miluju oboji hrozne moc  a hlavne v dobrem pocasi. A nejaky ten koktejl bez alkoholu si snad take umychate. 

Pedikura a manikura – Ja mam pocit, ze uz si pomalu ani na svoje nehty na nohou nevidim a cim vic bricho poroste, tak to bude asi tezsi si delat pedikuru doma. A tak je nejlepsi napad se sverit do rukou odbornika, kde si navic odpocinete. Ne kazda zena se navic v tehotenstvi citi krasna a proc se teda alespon nestarat o sve nehty a pusobit upravene za kazde situace. 

Nakupy – Nikdo nerika, ze musite vrazet vsechny finance do sebe. Muzete si udelat radost nakupy pro miminko. At uz jsou to veci do detskeho pokojicku ci nove krasne obleceni. Na trhu je tolik krasnych kolekci ci vychytavek pro miminka, ze vas to zabavi na hodiny a vykouzli usmev na tvari.

Musime se proste o sebe starat a nemusi se vsem tocit kolem prcka, nemyslite? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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