I love sales and I always get excited. I can openly say that I am getting better when it comes to sales shopping. I remember times when I would just buy things because the item was on sale however now I think a bit more about what to spend my money on. I work way too hard to make mistakes and buy stuff I do not wear. It is still very hard to control but there are some tips I can give you when it comes to sale shopping.
1. Buy timeless pieces – I always look for things like Cashmere, leather and things that will last forever. Why would you spend full price when you can snap it half price or more. I already ordered cashmere jumper myself this season and I have so many leather pieces I got in the past. As you can see there are great pieces you can get like this Uniqlo cashmere jumper or fab Isabel Marant leather trousers.
2. Write a list before you go shopping of things you need or want – Is there an item you wanted full price but could not afford it? Then go and see if you can get on sale. I have a thing for Zara but usually wait for sale if I really like something. You may not be lucky but waiting can save you lot of money.
3. Do you want something designer? The best time to shop designer is in sales. I have so many pieces I snapped for much cheaper. This year I got even Christmas present from my boyfriend in sale and we saved a lot by waiting. It is this beautiful Sophie Hulme bag. I absolutely love it and I am glad I managed to get it so much cheaper. And this cream piece by Sophie Hulme is a great investment as well.
4. Buy good quality shoes! Shoes are another thing I always go after in seasonal sales. There are so many bargains and great designer pieces. So many people like for example these Isabel Marant sneakers and I have seen these Marant boots on so many bloggers. And look now you can get them too.
5. Wait until the end of sales – If you do not want to buy timeless or designer you can always wait until the last minute. Yes, it is difficult to find your size however you can be very lucky and update your wardrobe for very little money. Zara is perfect example as I have some great pieces I snapped for 10 £. And that is what we can call great bargain.
So happy shopping my dears.
Miluju vyprodeje a vzdy kdyz zacnou, tak se cela tesim, az si sednu za pocitac a po Vanocich ulovim nejake super kousky. Driv jsem bez premysleni utracela za veci, ktere ani nepotrebuju a nakonec je nenosila. Ale cim jsem starsi, tim vice premyslim. Je obcas tezke se ovladat, ale snazim se ridit par pravidly…
1. Nakupujte nadcasove veci – Ja jsem v minulosti udelala hodne chyb, ale nakupovani veci, ktere nevyjdou z mody je nejlepsi reseni. Vetsinou se poohlednu po kvalitnich a drahych materialech jako treba kuze ci kasmir. Ja uz jsem si jeden svetr ve sleve objednala a z drivejska ma spoustu kozenych kousku za zlomek ceny. Treba tento Uniqlo svetr je uzasny a nebo take skvele kozene kalhoty od Isabel Marant.
2. Napiste si seznam pred samotnym nakupem! Je neco co potrebujete? Nejlepsi je napsat si seznam, at neutracite za veci, ktere nepotrebujete. Ja treba mam slabost na Zaru a nejvic nakupuji ve slevach. Kdyz se mi neco libi v nove kolekci, casto si pockam az zacnou sezoni slevy. A vyplaci se to.
3. Chcete drahou vec od navrhare? Nejlepsi doba na nakupy drahych veci je prave ve slevach. Mate oblibeneho navrhare ci chcete novou kabelku? V sezonich slevach najdete super kousky. Ja jsem treba na Vanoce od pritele dostala kabelku, ktera byla slevnena a ted mam tuhle super tasku od Sophie Hulme za zlomek ceny. A treba tahle kremova mi prijde jako uzasna investice. Je nadcasova a prakticka.
4. Nakupujte boty! Boty jsou dalsi veci, ktere jsou super nakupovat ve slevach. Hlavne pokud jde o drazsi a kvalitni kousky. Treba takove tenisky od Isabel Marant ci tyhle kozacky jsou oblibene kousky blogerek. A ted je muzete mit taky, protoze se daji poridit za zlomek ceny.
5. Pockejte az na konec slev – Pokud nechcete nakupovat ani drahe a ani nadcasove veci, tak muzete treba pockat az na konec slev. Je jasne, ze budete potrebovat hodne stesti, aby jste neco nasli ve sve velikosti. Ale ceny jsou opravdu atraktivni. Ja mam doted v satniku veci za deset liber, ktere treba staly puvodne 110 £. A to ma potom clovek opravdu radost za nakupu.
Tak hodne stesti v nakupech.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Ta kremova je uzasna. Chci si poridit prave kabelku a cekala jsem na slevy. :-)
Urcite mrkni…ja jsem nadsena i z te cerne, co jsem dostala na Vanoce…bude to velmi prakticky kousek!
Evi, super tipy :) v zlavach sa snazim nakupovat veci, ktore vynosim, takze ziadne vystrelky. Teraz by som chcela kupit kozeny krivak :)