Hey Sweethearts,
It would not be English weather behaving like this. It is genuinely true about the changes every minute. My boyfriend took these picture in the morning when I was leaving to meet a friend and when I am actually writing this post it is raining as mad. Do you think that will stop me to go to a BBQ later? No it wont. I will just change my clothes and put on some hunters and I will go against the weather. Or to be more specific I will be dressed propriately.
To by ani nebylo anglicke pocasi, kdyby se nechovalo, jak se chova. Opravdu je nepredvidatelne a meni se kazdou minutu. Takhle me rano vyfotil pritel nez jsem odchazela navstivit kamaradku a ted kdyz pisu tento post, tak leje a fouka vitr. Asi si budete myslet, ze jsme se tady vsichni zblaznili, ale i presto dneska jdu na BBQ. Pocasi nepocasi nic nas nezastavi. Jenom se prevlecu a nazuju si holinky. Prece si nenechame zkazit plany. S timto proste musi clovek pocitat, pokud tady chce zit.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: & Other Stories Top, Calvin Klein Jeans, Peacock’s Shoes, Rayban Sunglasses, Asos Necklace, Marc Jacobs Clutch