Stars are everywhere

Jeden z highstreet modelu znacky Oasis

Dear bloggers,

I must say Dolce & Gabbana totally hit it with their stars. Everywhere I go on the highstreet I can see stars. They are on trousers, shoes, tops, dresses, scarfs … just everywhere. I think I still have got some pieces from the times when Kate Moss wore star prints, so I better dig deeply enough in my closet.

How do you like this trend anyway?

Musim rict, ze Dolce & Gabbana tomu dali posledni kolekci s potisky hvezdicek spravny spad. Vsude kam se podivam v highstreet obchodech vidim hvezdy. Jsou na kalhotech, bluzkach, satech, satcich…proste vsude. Myslim, ze mam nekde hluboko ve skrini par kousku jeste z dob, kdy je vynesla na vrchol Kate Moss. Jak se vam tento trend libi mimochodem?

Nechate se unest a neco si poridite, i kdyby treba malickost?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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