Strolling in Battery park

Dear bloggers,

I just got back from NY and had so much fun as expected in a City like this. I did not do that much shopping as due to hurricane shops were closed for some time but I got the main things I wanted. I will definitely show some of them in next posts this and next week.

Apart of everything I missed London style in NY as always and also London attitude. Who loves London as much as I do would know what I mean.

Have a great rest of the week.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Dneska jsem se vratila z NY a uzila jsem si to tak, jak by se dalo od takoveho mesta ocekavat. Nenakupovala jsem moc a to diky tomu, ze narizeni mesta bylo zavreni vetsiny obchodu kvuli hurikanu Irene. Koupila jsem si ale ty hlavni veci, ktere jsem chtela a to staci. Nektere Vam ukazu v postech tento a pristi tyden. Mimo to mi chybel Londynsky styl a take postoj, lide kteri miluji Londyn jako ja asi tusi o cem mluvim.

Preji vsem krasny zbytek tydne.

Love Glamazon xoxo

5 comments on “Strolling in Battery park

  1. Evi, nádherné šaty, rozmýšľala som, že odkiaľ ich poznám – Vero Moda :) Pre mňa úplne jeden z najlepších obchodov. Pristane Ti to, ako vždy :)

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