Tag Archives: christmas

Outfit: Merry Christmas

Wearing: Trousers: River Island, Hat: Asos, Shoes: Valentino, Coat: Shein, Bag; Gucci

Another Christmas and this year it is so different. Last year I had a tiny baby at home, slept in 45 minutes intervals, had the biggest eye circles under my eye and was still getting over the whole motherhood thing. This year I have a toddler, one wild toddler but I am definitely more myself.

Although I cannot wait for few days to do just nothing, eat, drink, watch Christmas movies and just chill. My decision to invest all my energy into youtube took lot of energy and I already have one big energy sucker at home but I did not give up. There were lot of youtubers that do not even have children that were planning to film daily vlogs but failed in the end but I worked hard, very hard on it and wanted to do 24 vlogmas videos until Christmas. So yes I am tired and I feel I really deserve few days off and just enjoy Christmas.

So if you guys are into youtube it would mean so much if you subscribe to my channel and thanks in advance for all the support. I wish all of you Merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays.

A jsou tu dalsi Vanoce a tentotkrat je to jine a lepsi. Minuly rok jsem mela doma male miminko a spala maximalne ve 45ti minutovych intervalech, chodila s silenyma kruhama pod ocima a vubec jsem se stale snazila zvyknout si na ty zmeny, ktere materstvi prineslo. Tento rok mam doma prcka, ktery se nezastavi, ma vic energie nez stado koni a ja se citim zase sva. 

Uprimne se nemuzu dockat na tech par dni nic nedelani, i kdyz to ja moc dobre neumim, ale me rozhodnuti se venovat youtube mi vzalo hodne energie, kterou uz tak vysava Liam kazdy den LOL. Letos jsem se rozhodla tocit kazdy den vlogy v ramci vlogmas a to slibilo uz i hodne znamych youtuberu a lidi, na jejich kanaly koukam sama a ejhle, hodne z nich to nezvladlo. Ja uz jsem u konce a nevzdala jsem to, i kdyz to bylo nekdy tezke. A nebudu lhat a jde to videt i na poslednich par videich, protoze jsem proste unavena. A nemuzu se dockat na nic nedelani.

Kazdopadne, pokud vas youtube bavi, budu moc rada, kdyz se prihlasite k odberu. To bude pro me ten nejkrasnejsi darek. Vsem preju Stastne a Vesele a hlavne plne lasky a klidu. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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