Tag Archives: prada

Outfit: What I think about hiding likes on Instagram!

Pictures by Margita

Wearing: Dress: Few Moda, Bag: Prada via Farfetch, Shoes: Revolve, Scarf: Allsaints, Sunglasses: Chloe

The social media industry has been talking about new Instagram strategy for a while and to be fair the talks never stop. The most recent changes are all about hiding likes and Instagram has been testing it in some countries like Canada or Ireland. Some people like the idea but there are lot of people that hate it.

I believe the main purpose of it is the take off pressure of Instagram users as mainly the younger audience can be mentally affected by lack of likes which leads to depression and constant comparison which is bad for your mental health. And I get it. So many of us have been there including myself. If I do not nail the time of uploading and miss it sometimes 10 minutes difference or choice of bad day can really affect you and the impression goes down and so do likes. I have done many mistakes in terms of my Instagram but I have to deal with it. We are all on the same boat and even the top influencers with 500 K plus have been affected. I have noticed some of them dropped 50 % when it comes to likes. Yes their likes are still very high but they dropped nevertheless.

I have not studied psychology but sociology which can touch in some ways mass psychology. And people do follow the crowd. I really believe if an average picture gets lot of likes lot of other people click automatically like just because it already has got 10 K. And on the other hand if brilliant picture has 100 likes they may not click on the little heart which most of the users seeking.

In other words we are affected subconsciously by what other people think and follow the crowd. So I am really keen to see how hiding likes is going to mix the cards. I secretly hope that the comments will go up as that may be the only way to demonstrate engagement publicly. That will also be a way how to engage with others. Lot of Instagram users still use the strategy liking lot of other images in order to get likes and now they will have to rely on comments. Yes people still use follow and unfollow strategies. But Instagram has now put on limit and you can only follow up to 6000 people. So the strategy that helped people like Negin Mirsalehi  to get where she is now will not happen anymore. As you can see Instagram is really working in its favour and not for the users.

Either or I am up for testing it out. I am surrounded by quite few children and I find it very sad when 8 years old is asking how many likes picture with them on it got? I am all up for competition but I am definitely not up for this. It can deeply affect them if the likes are down and they are not old enough to understand there is nothing wrong with them but there are many factors that can affect the amount of likes. So let’s see how it all turns out in the end.

Let me know what are your thoughts on hiding likes. I am very curious.

On another note I secretly hope these images would get lot of likes. Well the Prada bag I got on Farfetch definitely deserves a lot. LOL

Instagram neustale prinasi nove a nove zmeny a uz nejakou dobu se mluvi o tom, ze Instagram testuje v nekterych zemich schovavani liku. Napriklad nekteri lide v Irsku ci Kanade uz nevidi liky. A vsichni o tom mluvi. Tato nova strategie ma priznivce, ale jako to byva ve vsem i odpurce. 

Udajne hlavnim rozhodnutim pro tento krok bylo to, ze pocet liku vyrazne ovlivnuje mladsi obecenstvo. Srovnavani a nizky pocet liku casto vede k depresim a to muze vyrazne kohokoli z nas ovlivnit mentalne. A ja to chapu. Instagram dela bohuzel hodne ve svuj prospech, meni algoritmus a i velkym uctum vyrazne klesa pocet liku. Dokonce i velke ucty, ktere maji 500 K plus spadly az o padest procent. Dnes uz musi clovek opravdu analyzovat, kdy fotografii nasadit, aby se zobrazovala co nejvetsimu poctu vasich sledujicich a ziskala tak v prvni hodine velky engagement. Je to pomalu Instagramova veda. 

Ja jsem udelala za tu dobu co mam Instagram hodne chyb (tou nejvetsi byly asi spatne zvolene retezcove giveway) a novy algoritmus me ovlivnil hodne, ale protoze se o to hodne zajimam, vim proc to tak je. Nejaky mladsi uzivatel ci dite nechape, proc jeho fotografie dostala jenom par liku. Prijde mi opravdu smutne, kdyz slysim od kamaradek, ze jejich osmilete dite se neustale pta, kolik uz ma liku. Ja jsem urcite pro soutezivost a dravost, ale ne takovym zpusobem. Osmilete dite totiz nechape, ze vysi liku ovlivnuje hodne faktoru a neni to o tom jaka je fotka, jak vypadaji a neznamena to, ze je s nima neco spatne. 

Nestudovala jsem sice psychologii, ale sociologii a i tam jsem se urcite naucila neco o masove psychologii. Lide casto nasleduji masu, dav dokaze strhnout jednotlivce a proto verim v tom, ze kdyz popularni influencer nasadi velmi prumernou i podprumernou fotografii, ktera ma napriklad 10 000 liku, lide automaticky daji like prestoze fotografie neni nic specialniho. A pak muzete narazit na ucet skveleho fotografa, ktery ma prekrasne fotografie a ma 100 liku a mozna byste jeho fotografii preskocili. 

A uz tohoto duvodu jsem zvedava jak nova strategie instagram zamicha karty. V kazdem pripade si myslim, ze se zvednou komentare. Jednim z duvodu je urcite fakt, ze to bude jeden ze zpusobu jak na sebe upozornit a nalakat ostatni na vas ucet. Ano spousta influenceru stale pouziva strategii jako like for like ci follow and unfollow. Ale i to uz Instagram omezil, takze strategie, ktera pred lety pomohla Negin Mirsalehi se dostat tam kde je ted, se vam uz asi nepodari. Dnes uz muzete sledovat maximalne 6000 uctu. 

Jsem opravdu zvedava, jako vse to ma sve vyhody a nevyhody a bude to urcite zajimave. Vzdy bude tabor, ktery se bude bourit a druhy bude z nove strategie nadseny, ale svet, ktery se zene jenom za poctem liku mi prijde trosku smutny. Takze ja jsem ted v tabore podpurcu. 

A urcite me zajima jak to vidite vy? 



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Wish list: Summer Dreams

Summer is only few weeks away and that makes me dreaming. My brain is processing shift and floaty boho dresses, chic belts, comfy but lovely shoes and gorgeous accessories. There are so many options and it also depends on where you are or where you go for holidays. City chic will never be the same as sunny riviera so we need options and endless wish lists. LOL

Leto se pomalu blizi. Mame tady kveten a at chceme ci nechceme, letni nalada snad dorazi za par tydnu. A to znamena, ze ja premyslim o letni mode. V hlave se mi honi rozevlate boho saty, chic pasky, nove hezke boty a taky slunecni bryle. Urcite zalezi na tom kam se chystate a kde budete leto travit. Leto ve meste urcite nevyzaduje stejny satnik jako leto na proslunene riviere. 

Love Glamazon xoxo