Tag Archives: s factor

Summer Hair with S Factor by Tigi

I have partnered up with TIGI and their S Factor range to get my perfect summer hair. I am the most traditional person when it comes to my hair.

I personally love natural long hair with a lot of volume. After so many years of trying different colours and even cuts I decided that being blond suits me the most. However, it is always good to try something different even if that would be a small change that gives your hair a bit of structure or movement.

 I am not going to lie that I wasn’t afraid a bit to get even subtle lowlights and highlights but the fear is over and I love the result so much. Lovely Evelina at Andrew Jose salon did such an amazing job. When I was leaving the salon after several hours of their hard work I was over the moon. You may have also seen a video where she and Andrew just took care of me in the best possible way. Evelina understood exactly what I was after and the way she mixed TIGI Copyright Colours gave me exactly the result I wanted. Well, to be specific I marched in with a picture of Candice Swanepoel and she managed to create the same thing for me (I know this does not make me a VS angel LOL) . The balance of all the tones just works so well together and I couldn’t be happier.

And to keep that gorgeous summer style going as long as possible I started my new hair routine straight away. I would love to keep this fresh look for the whole summer and keep the shine and tones going as long as possible so I started to use S Factor by TIGI True lasting colour shampoo and conditioner the same week I got my hair done.  I wash my hair usually around three times a week depending on how much it is needed. Both products are fantastic but the conditioner from this range is just on another level. If you have been following me for a while you know I need to keep my hair hydrated a lot so that means good conditioners and hair masks are key thing. And this one is just fantastic. My hair is so soft, the frizziness is gone and it is so hydrated. I also started to use S Factor by TIGI True lasting colour hair oil as an addition as oil is my number three most important hair product. This totally exceeded my expectations plus bonus points for the smell of all these products. I feel the colour is not fading away and it still looks the same as when I was leaving the salon few weeks ago.

I have also tried some of the S Factor styling products and again those deserve so much recognition. The S Factor Body Booster spray works exactly for people like me that love a bit of volume and diva hair.

I am definitely sticking to my new hair routine as I simply love the results I see every day.

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Tento mesic jsem mela to stesti spolupracovat s vlasovou kosmetikou TIGI a konkretne jejich radou S Factor. Jak asi vite, pokud me ctete pravidelne, jsem docela konzerva, co se vlasu tyce. A po letech, co jsem menila barvy vlasu jako na bezicim pase jsem se proste rozhodla pro blond.

Vlasy si barvim doma sama, nasla jsem odstin, ktery mi vyhovuje a hlavne je to pro me vyhodne casove. Uz tak mam co delat zvladat vse co delam, nedovedu si predstavit jeste kazdy mesic hledat vikendovy termin na barveni vlasu v kadernictvi. Ale diky spolupraci s TIGI jsem prodelala malou zmenu a to krasny a prirorezeny melir, ktery mi udelali v salonu Andrew Jose. Mozna jste videli video z dne, kdy jsem sla na moji mini promenu a pokud ne muzete se podivat tady. Priznavam, ze jsem se opravdu bala. Nerada si necham sahat na vlasy, protoze jsem se nekolikrat spalila. Ale Evelina, ktera mi vlasy barvila presne pochopila, co mam na mysli. Nakracela jsem do kadernictvi s fotkou Candice, ktera je andilek Victoria Secret a doufala, ze vysledek bude uplne stejny a taky ze byl. Ale do VS modelky mam porad daleko. LOL

Hned po meliru jsem se rozhodla i zacit pouzivat vlasovou kosmetiku z rady S factor, ktera pomaha udrzovat svezest barvy a zatim jsem velmi spokojena. Pouzivam sampon a jejich kondicioner, ale dostala jsem take olej, ktery nadherne hydratuje. A opravdu se mi zda, ze barva krasne drzi a vypada porad dobre. Nejvice me prekvapil jejich kondicioner, ktery je na me vlasy jako delany a dodava jim hodne hydratace. Moje vlasy jsou sussi, protoze jsou od prirody vlnite a proto musim dbat na dostatecnou hydrataci co nejvice.

Takze se svou novou vlasovou rutinou jsem velmi spokojena a urcite v ni budu pokracovat. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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