Wearing: Azzedine Alaia skirt, H&M Shoes, Phillip Lim Bag, Ilaria Leopre shirt, Anna inspiring jewelry wrist band
On Sunday I went for a cup of tea and a bit of gossip with my friend Tereza. We caught up in Notting Hill and continued in Soho House and had so much to talk about. I must say some of my friends have some serious style and it would be crime not to share it with you. It gives my blog a bit of change. Now Tereza has got stunning style and she has got that french chic aura about her. And as a model and actress she can carry clothes so well. You can clearly tell. Now if you want to see more of her she is staring HBO series Strike Back. I am definitely on it. And if it is not your cup of tea you can spot her in a movie with Jude Law – 360.
Have a fab week.
V Nedeli odpoledne jsem si zajela za kamaradkou Terezkou do Notting Hill na mensi randicko a stravila jsem s ni krasne odpoledne v Soho Housu. Musim uznat, ze nektere me kamaradky maji uzasny styl a proto by byla skoda nektere fotografie nesdilet. A taky je na blogu trosku zmeny. Terezka ma v sobe ten francouzsky sarm a umi to proste nosit. Jako modelka a herecka v zahranici pochytila tu spravnou davku smrncu. Prestoze je outfit cely cerny, krasne zvyraznila siluetu a pohrala si s texturou. A pokud se vam libi, muzete ji sledovat v HBO serialu Strike Back. Alespon dalsi vec na kterou koukat. A pokud to neni vas salek caje, tak ji muzete shlednout ve filmu s Judem Law – 360.
Preji vsem uspesny tyden.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Krásný! Terezu jsem zaregistrovala přes mojí kamarádku Johanu a je fakt nádherná.
Je krasna! To je jasna paka :D
So beautiful
Je nádherná! Outfit supr <3