Wearing: Top: River Island, Shorts: River Island, Shoes: Castaner, Sunglasses: Chloe, Bag: Chanel, Earrings: Zara
I could sit here and write about leopard print, wedges, round sunnies or really anything about this outfit and fashion. However today I feel I want to write about life. I just go with my intuition.
Sometimes in life we want things, we have dreams, ideas and plans. And I am a huge believer in law of attraction however my theory is that certain things in life just happen and no matter how positive you are there are hurdles and tests coming your way.
I believe we all have purpose in life and even if these hurdles appear whatever it is … could be money issues, illness, attracting wrongs partners, arguments in your family you can get over them easier if you stay positive. If you use law of attraction and stay happy most of the time you get through these hurdles easier.
I also believe things are as they are meant to be. Some people have certain things in their twenties, some in their forties….some wait for success for 20 years and some become rich and well known over night. Things are exactly as they are meant to be and we all have different timings for different things.
So stay happy and positive, stay true to yourself, spread love and smile and things will happen they may just take longer.
Mohla bych tu sedet a tak jak delam velmi casto mluvit o leopardim potisku, slamenych botach, kulatych slunecnich brylech, ale dneska radsi napisu o zivote. Jdu proste s tim, co mi intuice rika.
Ja jsem obrovsky zastance zakonu pritazlivosti. Opravdu funguje a mam to vyzkousene. Neni jednoduche s tim pokazde pracovat, je to umeni kontrolovat myslenky a vytisnit z hlavy a tela strachy a myslim, ze je to celozivotni boj, ale kdyz se to podari, veci se opravdu zacnou dit.
Na druhou stranu verim, ze urcite veci jsou dane a zivot prinasi uskali, oskliva prekvapeni a starosti a ty jsou dane. Ale diky zakonu pritazlivosti z nich vybruslite ven a zvladnete vse lepe a s usmevem. Je tezke, kdyz nastanou problemy at uz financni, ci milostne ci zdravotni se usmivat 24/7, ale na druhou stranu si rikam, ze lidem nic jineho nezbyva. Jedine co v ten moment muzu zmenit je postoj.
A tady prave zakon pritazlivosti pomaha si do zivota pritahnout ty spravne lidi, okolnosti ci finance, aby clovek mohl z problemu lepe vyvaznout. A proto se usmivejte a i kdyz se potrebujete treba vyplakat a vypovidat tak si vzdy vzpomente, ze s usmevem jde opravdu vsechno lepe.
Ja take pevne verim, ze veci jsou tak jak maji byt a proto ma napriklad nekdo dite ve dvaceti, jiny ve ctyriceti, nekdo se stane slavnym po deseti letech driny a druhy prakticky do mesice…Kazdy ma svuj cas na to ci ono a je to vse spravne. Je to jak to ma byt. Neznamena, ze kdyz nekdo jede na Maledivy poprve ve dvaceti, ze je to spravne ci spatne, zkratka to tak melo byt.
A proto se snazte usmivat, vzdy najit na situaci neco dobreho a pokusit se byt stastny ted a tady.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Cute dress.