Hey sweethearts,
Another tip where to eat in London. Automat is popular American style Brasserie based in Mayfair, 33 Dover Street. I heard about it from my friends a lot. One of them met Cindy Crawford there as well and apparently she DID eat :D Well I went for brunch this weekend and the interior is very American style. It reminded me a bit popular New York Pastis although that is more French it had similar feel.
If you like pancakes with maple syrup, burgers, omelets and eggs Benedict you can visit and try yourself. The menu is quite big but I think it is the style and the interior that attracts people as I have had better eggs elsewhere.
Prinasim vam dalsi tip, kam si zajit v Londyne na jidlo. Automat je velmi popularni braserie v Americkem stylu a najdete ji na Mayfair 33 Dover Street. Slysela jsem o ni hodne. Kamaradka tam dokonce potkala Cindy Crawford a svete div se, ona fakt JEDLA :).
Vydala jsem se tam s kamaradkou o vikendu na brunch a atmosfera mi trosku pripomela New Yorsky popularni Pastis, ktery je sice Francouzskou kavarnou, ale presto jsem si na tohle misto ihned vzpomela. Pokud mate radi jidla jako palacinky s javorovym sirupem, hamburgery, omelety a vajicka benedikt, tak tohle misto urcite navstvite. I kdyz si myslim, ze je to spise interier a celkova nalada, ktera cini tuhle restauraci tak popularni, protoze vajicka benedikt jsem jedla jinde urcite lepsi.
Mejte se krasne.
Love Glamazon xoxo
i love this place!!!
great tip