I think I just found my new favourite place when I want to stay locally, French Cafe at Forest Hill Road. So if you live in East Dulwich or Honor oak this is a fabulous place to have your coffee, light lunch or breakfast. Now, they do not have a website and perhaps it is good as the cafe was packed anyway. There were people getting take-away treats and coffee and that tells me I am not the only one that likes this little cute cafe.
I love the deco inside to bits as it is right up my street and that is not the only great thing about this place. As you can see the pastry and all the cakes look amazing. I went for Eggs Benedict and my boyfriend went for Full English breakfast and the food was very good quality. I was also amazed by a quick service and friendly attitude. And did I mention that delicious coffee?
The only thing I missed to have the options of extra like chips or hasbrowns as that is a big part of English Breakfast and some people may prefer it to toast. If that would be an option this would be the best place ever!
If you are around or live nearby definitely go to this place as it will charm you. I am definitely coming again!
Myslim, ze jsem nasla nove oblibene misto, kam budu chodit na brunch, kdyz se mi nechce do centra. Takze pokud bydlite, nebo nekdy budete v okoli East Dulwich nebo Honor oak urcite tohle misto vyzkousejte. French Cafe je mala kavarna, ktera serviruje snidane i lehci obedy a ma naprosto kouzelny interier. Hned po vstupu vas uvita velky vyber sladkeho peciva a dortu a samozrejme si muzete vybrat i z menu napriklad Vajicka Benedict, Anglickou Snidani nebo take Americkou snidani v podobne palacinek se slaninou a javorovym sirupem.
Ja jsem byla hrozne spokojena se servisem a pristupem personalu. A jidlo bylo vytecne. Urcite jedny z tech lepsich vajicek Benedict, co jsem mela.
Navic jsem si vsimla, ze spousty mistnich si proste zasli jenom koupit cerstve pecivo a kavu a vzali si je domu, coz mi rika, ze tohle misto je popularni a nejsem jedina, ktera sem asi bude chodit rada.
Jedina vec, ktera mi trosku chybela je moznost si priobjednat navic hranolky ci hasbrowns k Anglicke snidani. Ne kazdy ma totiz rad jenom toast.
Kazdopadne se uz se tesim, az sem pujdu znovu.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wow… the place needs to get a website with your pictures on Eva. they look AMAZING… See you there for breakfast one of these days.
Thanks Sinead x
to vypadá úžasně, nejvíc mě teda od pohledu láká všechno to sladké :))
No prave :)