Victoria Secret store in London

Hello Everybody,

As you can see I finally went to check out the new Victoria Secret store on Bond Street. And I was amazed how well it was done. I would say it can even beat the store in NY. What cannot be said that the prices can beat the store in NY :DDD All my friends agreed that it is pricey. Finally, you are getting to the point that most of the Victoria Secret shopping will still be done mainly in US when I visit.

I feel the prices are the same just with pounds sign behind the number :) Which does not make the shopping experience the cheapest one. However the decoration and design is fascinating. You feel so glamorous being inside and even a quick trip to toilets that are on 2nd floor can feel glamorous and that cannot be said very often.

Jak uz vite, konecne jsem mela cas se jit podivat do nove otevereneho obchodu Victoria Secret na New Bond Street. Urcite nejde prehlednout, je hned naproti Fennwicku a navic bude asi vzdy plny shopoholiku. Celkove to jako vzdy byl nesmirny zazitek a hned po vstupu se citite hrozne luxusne, rekla bych ze interiovym designem predcil i obchod v New Yorku. Vsechno je promyslene do posledniho detailu, vsechno pusobi hrozne glamourous a luxusne. 

Co uz neni tak uzasne jsou ceny. Myslim, ze hlavni nakupy ve Victoria Secret si asi vzdy necham do Statu. Ceny jsou prakticky stejne, jenom tim, ze tady jsou v Librach, tak se vam nakup prodrazi. Nektere krasnejsi sety se pohybuji az v rozmezi 120 Liber. A to nemluvim o kolekci pink, kde pokud se vam libi sportovni veci nebo nejake teplakovky, tak si klidne muzete nachystat treba 80 liber jenom na to. 

Co urcite doporucuji je vyzkouset toalety, protoze i tam je vse promyslene do posledniho detailu. 

Takze pri vasi dalsi navsteve Londyna se tam urcite zajdete podivat, ale pripravte se na poradnou utratu, pokud nemate velkou davku sebeovladani.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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