Wearing: Coat: Dorothy Perkins , Boots: Dune , Bag: Sophie Hulme, Skirt and Jumper: Zara, Sunglasses: Rayban
In winter days I am always thinking stay warm, stay warm, stay warm. However, then I admire all those immaculate women on the way to work or to a meeting and I just don’t want to stay warm. I want to stay warm and look good. Like those women on the tube I see every day.
And one of the ways how you can achieve it is by layers and volume together. If you balance volume out you do not have to look “huge”. It is all about the right balance. Nobody wants to be mistaken for a polo bear right? And do you know what dressed like this I felt like one of those fabulous women I sometimes see on my way to work. And that is what matters….feeling good.
V zime si porad dokola rikam, oblec se teple, oblec se teple, oblec se teple. A pak v metru obdivuju krasne oblecene zeny, ktere vypadaji bezchybne. A rikam si, hmm vypadam takhle i ja? Je mi teplo, ale co to ostatni. Uprimne nejlepsi kombinace je, kdyz se vam podari zmaknout oboji a to zustat hezky oblecena a jeste v teple.
No a jeden z mych oblibenych zpusobu je vrstvit a v tomto pripade i pridat na objemu. Objem nemusi ve vsech pripadech ublizit vasi postave, kdyz neni vsude. Nikdo nechce pusobit jako medved nahore i dole. Ale vite co si rikam, bylo mi teplo a citila jsem se jako jedna z tech zen z metra. A to je hlavni.
Love Glamazon xoxo
This forest green coat is oh so fab! I love the color and the shaggy look that it has. I thought it was cool that you paired it with cool green skirt. Plus the addition of your printed shoes make for a great statement!
Thank you Malu x