Tip of the Week – Le Chat Noir/Cefalu

Cefalu offers numerous restaurants serving great local cuisine. I said it before however I always do a proper research and know where I will be eating. One of the places with good reviews was Ristorante Le Chat Noir that is very close to the main Cefalu square. It has got seating on a deck outside in the street and also inside in their lovely courtyard that is screaming Sicily. Traditional food and decorations and also very hard to get to get a table without reservation. We were lucky as we turned up very early and got a cosy table in the little courtyard.

We made a huge order…from local traditional mixed starters to pasta and steak. Everything was delicious. When I am in Italy I always go for pasta. I do not eat pasta as much in England so it is a great opportunity to try different recipes in Italy. I have noticed that one of the most common pastas was pasta alla norma and it is truly delicious. Something I will try to recreate at home.

Well, we had a lovely Sicilian evening with great atmosphere, wine and food. If you ever visit make sure you stop by.

Cefalu nabizi velke mnozstvi dobrych restauraci, ktere serviruji mistni kuchyni. Uz jsem to rikala drive, ale pokazde kdyz cestuju, tak si udelam radny pruzkum restauraci a predem vim, kam chci na jidlo.

Ristorante Le Chat Noir byla jedna z restauraci, ktera mela dobre recenze, ale brzo jsem pochopila, ze je nutne si udelat reservaci predem. Jeden vecer se nam ale podarilo dostat stul. Le Chat Noir ma posezeni venku na ulici a vevnitr na malem dvorku, ktery ma velmi tradicni deco. Vsude na vas dycha Sicilie a restaurace serviruje mistni pochoutky. Jako predkrm jsem vybrala mix ruznych mistnich tradicnich jidel a jako dalsi chody testoviny (jak jinak) a steak. Nesmela nam chybet ani oblibena bruschetta (te bych se ujedla). No na dovolene opravdu netroskarim. 

Uzila jsem si nejen dobre jidlo, ale i velmi prijemnou atmosferu pod sirim nebem. Vecere jak ma byt.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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