I cannot believe how much attention got my hair style on facebook and instagram so wanted to publish full post about this fab event I went to last week. Yes it was another press day but it was held in a sleek Electric Hair Salon. There were presented number of brands including an online shop that offers lot of discounted good fashion and sport pieces MandM Direct. Definitely worthwhile to check out. I ordered first Christmas present there. Yay
I am off today as I have numerous fantastic meetings and press days to go to! So excited to see everything and meet new people! So keep an eye on my instagram for updates.
Nechce se mi ani verit, jak moc se vam libila na instagramu a facebooku fotka tohoto ucesu. To jsem se opet vydala na dalsi press day a tentokrat se konal v salonu Electric. Na akci byly presentovany nove kolekce a produkty a zaujal me hlavne jeden online shop MandM Direct, ktery prodava velmi slevnene dobre znacky a ja jsem z nej objednala na Vanoce prvni darek pro sveho pritele.
Ja mam dneska volno, protoze mi prislo jenom na dnesek asi 7 ruznych pozvanek na ruzne press days a mam nekolik schuzek ohledne blogu. Opravdu se nedivim, ze blogerky se tomuto venuji na plny uvazek, protoze obcas je to sila.
Mejte se krasne.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Evi, posledna fotka je nadherna, mas krasne vlasky :)