Last week was very busy socially and I went to this new hot spot at Mondrian hotel twice. Tuesday I went for few drinks and snacks to their hotel bar and Friday we had a big dinner with my girlfriends. This is meant to be the new spot where to go and eat and I wanted to share this with you. Sea Containers is the new restaurant in the hotel itself.
The restaurant was buzzing when I arrived and it has got lovely opened kitchen. I arrived first so had a glass of red at the bar and tried to enjoy atmosphere while waiting for my friends. It was so good to see them all and really had a good time. We ordered lot of starters to share including delicious ceviche, kale salad, shaved mushrooms, lamb meatballs and tuna. I enjoyed all of them and tuna an kale were my favourite to be honest. As a main we ordered some fish and steak. The steak was a bit cold which was disappointing however tasted good enough. I have been to many places and restaurants but would not say this is the best place ever. It is good enough though.
What really needs to improve is the service. I had a feeling (and this can be partially because it is a new place) that people are not coordinated that well as of yet. When I asked question the staff had no clue and I thought they were quite rude at times especially when it came to closing time. First we were asked to leave the restaurant and have drinks at the hotel bar and then again we were asked to order last drinks at the bar and asked to leave again. The staff was rushing us to order quite quickly and it just was not service that you want to receive. And they really need to work on their speed. You can wait for your drinks order for ages.
Well, it is a new place so hopefully they will get the harmony right anytime soon. It has got a lot of potential so if they improve the service it will be a star quality spot.
Minuly tyden to byla opet jedna akce za druhou. Dokonce se mi podarilo na jedno misto jit hned dvakrat. Mondrian hotel ma byt jedno z tech novych trendy mist v Londyne a ani se nedivim, protoze ma skvelou lokaci s vyhledem na reku. V utery jsem byla na Vanocnim vecirku jedne PR agentury a v patek na veceri s kamaradkama. V patek jsem sla do hotelove restaurace Sea Containers.
Misto je to kouzelne a to hlavne diky lokaci. Koukate se na reku a vsude venku svetylka a pritom hotel designu je tak moderni. Kdyz jsem v patek dorazila tak restaurace byla jiz plna a mela skvelou atmosferu. Dala jsem si sklenicku cerveneho a koukala na kuchare, jak se cini. Mam rada restaurace, kde muzu videt do kuchyne. Dava mi to pocit jistoty, ze jidlo bude cerstve a dobre.
U stolu nas bylo sest a tak jsme si objednaly ze vseho trochu, at muzeme vyzkouset ruzne veci. Jako predkrm jsme mely ruzne dobroty vcetne jehnecich kulicek, kapustovy salat, ceviche, cerstve houby a tunaka. Vsechno bylo vyborne, ale uplne nej byla kapusta a tunak. Jako hlavni chod jsme si daly steak a rybu. Musim byt uprimna, ale steak byl docela studeny, coz bylo velke zklamani. Nektera mista jsou zkratka precenovana a hodne od nich ocekavate a pak jste zklamani.
Na cem musi restaurace opravdu zapracovat je servis, ten teda byl docela necekany. Nejdriv nas vyhodili z restaurace, at si dopijeme vino v baru a pak dvakrat z baru. Vsichni spechali, ze chteli zavrit, ale vetsinou byli docela nezdvorili. A pokazde, kdyz jsem se neco zeptala, tak nikdo nic nevedel. Spatny servis dokaze cloveka odradit, ale nebudu vam tady nalhavat, ze je to dokonale misto, kdyz jsem mela takovou zkusenost, ze? Doufam, ze se to pomalu bude zlepsovat, protoze castecne to muze byt tim, ze team jeste neni jeste dobre sehrany.
Mohlo by to byt skvele misto, ale maji co zlepsovat. Hlavne co se servisu tyce.
Love Glamazon xoxo